Pity de nation dat is full of beliefs and empty of religion. Pity de nation dat wears a cloth it does not weave, eats a bread it does not harvest, and drinks a wine dat flows not from its own wine-press. Pity de nation whose statesman is a fox, whose philosopher is a juggler, and whose art is the art of patching and mimicking. Pity de nation whose sages r dumb wid years and whose strong men r yet in the cradle. Pity de nation divided into fragments, each fragment deeming itself a nation.-KG
Sunday, December 19, 2021
0333 53 63 248
He is a practicing lawyer, a hafiz (a memorizer of the Holy Quran) and a passionate bodybuilder- who believes becoming a professional bodybuilder is a labor of love - and a very expensive hobby. I felt so proud! Not only by earning this honor of clinching a title of “Mr. Lahore 2021” followed by “Mr. Overall Lahore 2021” but also proud of the journey and the process along the way, he starts.
Talking to this scribe, Rana Shahid Advocate says “bodybuilding has helped me gain self-confidence - not in physical looks, but in trusting myself”. He owns what he experiences and maintains that this profession has taught him, discipline, resilience, grit, and determination.
Rana Shahid, 33, a Lahorite by birth narrates “For the first time in the history of Pakistan, this unusual thing happens as I’ve won back to back coveted titles of “Mr. Lahore” and “Mr. Overall Lahore”. One of the significance of winning these titles is- it encourages me a great deal to an extant that this profession of bodybuilding will make its root in lawyers’ fraternity and this sport will be widely supported by men in black coats as well.
Talking about entering into this profession, a natural bodybuilder Rana Shahid says in his teenage he was very frail and feeble and people often ridicule him for his skinny physique. “I remember, one of my fellows advised me to join gym to improve the health. Within few days, I went to a nearby gym, looked around the guys inside but my mind didn’t accept it (to do the hard work). Later, I made up my mind and started with the light weight exercises,” he adds.
A practicing lawyer of LHC, Rana Shahid says “I won my first ever title of ‘Mr.Gym” and later competed for different Lahore’s contest. During that phase, I continued my studies at Madrassah. Months later, I went for “Muscle Mania” contest- where I performed outstandingly, but unfortunately, because of biased judgment of a referee- I lost that contest that left me frustrated. I kept myself away from gym for a while. Later, in 2016, I tied the knot and started going LHC as a practicing lawyer. With the passage of time, my physique starts lumbering,” Rana continues.
Meanwhile, I found myself lucky enough to have Aamir Gujjar (at Asif Gym) - who is still my coach. “Whatever, I am, it’s because of Aamir Gujjar. “He is my mentor who motivated and encouraged me to participate in the next competition. In the beginning, he (Gujjar) handed my nutrition but at this point, he is more for accountability and guidance. I typically run my ideas by him and he provides me feedback. Having a coach (like Gujjar) is huge, especially in the beginning. You need to have those extra sets of eyes to look at you and provide guidance. Having a quality coach gives you the ability to learn as you go along. I highly recommend a coach for everyone,” Rana says.
A 6 feet tall, macho, believes bodybuilding is a tough sport that requires a strict routine. "I think the diet for bodybuilding is more challenging than the fitness regime,” adding "Self-control is the key to success in this field." I rejoined the gym and made continuous efforts for eight months to clinch the title of “Mr. Lahore” in November, 2021 followed by securing “Mr.Overall Lahore” title in December, 2021. Means, I am, probably, the first one to have these two titles within a time of less than a month. And I owe this success to my coach Aamir Gujjar,” the advocate-cum-bodybuilder elaborates.
Rana Shahid recounts that his coach used to make him run from Batti Chowk (Ring Road) to Gulshan Ravi at the wee hours of the day. His diet includes eggs, boiled vegetables, chicken, fish, mutton, rice, bran bread, fresh fruits among other things.
The passionate
bodybuilder further shared some tips for beginners at the gym. "There is no age of bodybuilding to kick start. Even, if you are at young age, you can start it. I totally, disagree with this (myth) that lifting weight and exercise stunts one’s growth. No study has shown this. However, the criteria and standards of weightlifting and exercise might be followed,” he says.
Rana Shahid says, “Bodybuilding is an expensive hobby. For this, proper diet and use of supplements are essential. It takes Rs.2000 to Rs. 2500/ day to spend on quality diet here. I am against use of steroids because every professional bodybuilder has a Dispersed Oil Particulate (DOP) test before the competition- so if one’s DOP is positive, he is out of the contest. Youngsters always look for overnight success. But there is no shortcut in this profession because one has to go through various stages. If someone wants to progress in short time, he might use supplements- because it covers up your diet, boost your energy and not prohibited” he keeps on talking.
Talking about his lifestyle, Rana says “the lifestyle of a bodybuilder is calculated and precise, but, even with kids and work, it can be done. Sometimes it takes having a partner who understands the schedule and sometimes it takes friends or other family members cheering you on. Either way, the key to success as a competitive bodybuilder is a support system and a sense of humor no matter what division you compete in”, he says smilingly.
“Usually, for going into a mega contest, I start working out eight months ago; however, if I am into training, it will take me two excessive months of workout. As for as my future competitions are concerned, I will definitely go for “Mr. Punjab” and “Mr. Pakistan”. But my coach Aamir Gujjar will decide this all,” he maintains.
Sharing information about the poses and judgment criterion, Rana Shahid says there are 4-5 poses of various angels (of body) counts in bodybuilding contests. “Total marks are 100. Out of which thigh muscles marks are the maximum (of 60) while 40 marks are reserved for upper body (biceps, triceps, abs and wings),” he elaborates adding soon he will launch his own YouTube Channel.
Rana Shahid Advocate says “for me a true natural bodybuilder is someone who has build his physique through effective training and a targeted nutrition without ever having used performance enhancing drugs or supplements that differ from the nutrients that naturally occur in our daily diet such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, creatine, etc.
He feels this sport (bodybuilding) needs to be promoted on wider scale. “Bodybuilding is hard on pockets. Unfortunately, there is no private sponsorship available in our country. No private sponsor is ready to spend on a bodybuilder. The Pakistan Bodybuilding Federation in collaboration with the PSB must work hard to promote this game in Pakistan. Passionate and talented bodybuilders deserve a chance to represent the country on an international forum,” Rana pleads.
Friday, December 10, 2021
Dr. Paul Jacob Bhatti, on International Human Rights Day (December 10), has appealed all faiths to unite together for the assurance of rule of law, justice, and writ of the state in order to promote Jinnah’s Pakistan with his basic principles of faith, unity, and discipline.
Mahtab BashirIslamabad
Dr Bhatti said every religion conveys the message of love, tolerance, peace and brotherhood but unfortunately nothing is visible in our society because of rapidly spreading tentacles of extremism.
A surgeon by profession, Dr. Paul Bhatti said unless writ of state, law and order, quality education system and religious rights are not prevailed in its true spirits, a peaceful society cannot be formed.
Referring to founder of Pakistan, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Dr. Bhatti said it was the vision of Quaid who kept religion and state affairs separately. In current turmoil, all segments of society must come forward to raise the voice against intolerance and extremism.
In an exclusive talk to this scribe, Dr. Paul Jacob Bhatti elaborated that the Sialkot incident could have been averted if it occurred in any other Islamic country including Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Turkey and the reason is simple- they have strict laws and on spot implementation. But here, unfortunately, how someone’s life could be saved when the police are scared and mob is violent.
A politician and a philanthropist, Dr. Bhatti further said that using religion for vested interests and targeting anyone in the name of blasphemy is not part of the teachings of any religion. “Even our courts have remarked, that in majority of cases that revolves around blasphemy, have been misused,” he maintained. He said we need to understand these religious teachings things and also to teach youngsters to promote interfaith harmony and peace in the country.He urged parliamentarians, media, religious scholars to highlight the factors that promote negative trends in the state and take remedial steps. “Much work has been done on interfaith harmony and diversity, seminars and conferences have been organized nationally and internationally, but the problem is simple- we Pakistanis are not united. We must follow the religious teachings with its true spirit,” he added.
Dr. Paul Bhatti, an Italian national said “No one has the rights to impose his will to other person. We, also, urgently need to highlight the teachings of all religions. If I am a Christian and in some trouble, no matter what religion you belong to, the teaching of that religion is to help me mitigating this problem, it’s a universal religion,” he maintained.
"Why is this intolerance prevalent so violent? why does the state bow down? What should be the immediate course of action, it needs to be discussed, and for this the ulema (clerics) of all religions have to play their role.
He added that if a person does not adopt moral values, means he is not aware of the fundamental teachings of his religion.
Remembering his slain brother, Shahbaz Bhatti, Dr. Paul Bhatti said that Shahbaz Bhatti was an iconic person. He was proactive in promoting inter-religious harmony nd relationship among people of diverse faiths. “He always wanted for peaceful and co-existence society- but he had to paid the price from extremists- his assassination,” he said.Dr. Paul Bhatti, also a politician, said that after the death of Shahbaz Bhatti, the 18th amendment was approved, then the Ministry of Minority Affairs was abolished, after which he made efforts for the approval of Ministry of Interfaith Harmony.
Talking about the formation of interfaith society, Dr. Bhatti said people of all religion must think, analyse and prepare themselves to play role in the society. “My aim is to unite people, regardless which religion, caste, creed, one belongs to. I am doing it all over the world. Basically, I want peace all over the world, and this is my only goal (of life),” he concluded.
Sunday, October 31, 2021
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The participants of training workshop on GBV |
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Myra Imran & Fouzia Rana conducting the training |
The participants of their views were that "Media should be much more conscientious in keeping the society accountable, and holding law enforcement agencies accountable for implementation of the already formed law."
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Participants discussing the GBV & its repercussions |
The participants in the sessions came up with thought provoking ideas and comments, which reflected the fact that they are very much aware and sensitive regarding the issue of GBV prevalent in society. They believe that such violence starts from family and as such the family members need to be sensitized first. But the work has to start simultaneously at all levels in society they commented.
Additionally, networks should be created to fight against such violence and this network should have branches at every corner of the country involving people from different age groups, caste, creed and religion. It was pointed out by a participant that violence against women cannot be stopped keeping the 'culture of violence' in various forms in the society.
A female journalist participant said that media can also inform people about the facilities available to get justice and recounted how media activism encouraged more women to speak up and report sexual harassment. She said one of the main reasons for gender-based and sexual violence was undervaluing the role of women in society and in economy.
She noted that the country's media failed persistently to grasp the importance of the issue and recognise the role of women. "Media should be much more conscientious in keeping the society accountable, and holding law enforcement agencies accountable for implementation of the law, she maintained.
Another participant said that only a few media houses complied with the guidelines and formed complaint committees. Media houses should educate themselves before proceeding to teach others, and be careful about the portrayal of an incident, victims and perpetrators of sexual violence, he said. News reports should include community experts' opinions on prevention of such crimes and also community responses to it, he said.
Fouzia Rana said political news always got priority over women's issues in male-dominated newsrooms. She stressed the need for sensitivity training for journalists, and suggested that more women should be there at policy-making level in media houses.
Aslam Lurka, a senior journalist said the concept of masculinity should be deconstructed. “Men should be taught to become human beings and not just men so that they can respect another human being,” he said. He said, "Sex education within limits could well be a part of our national curriculum so that a child must be aware initially about the good and bad touch".
A veteran journalist Farah said "Many women withdraw cases because of the lengthy process and lack of evidence.” She said it was important to preserve evidence, and maintain forensic and DNA laboratories across the country. She also emphasized on investigative and follow-up reports.
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A group photograph |
They said change will have to start with our youngest. Only if children, adolescents and young people grow up with the necessary life skills that enable them to have respectful relationships and build a peaceful society without impunity for violence, we will succeed in eliminating GBV.
At the same time it will require continuous investments in girls and women - in their health, education, employment and safety in the homes, schools, work places and public spaces.
It is not enough to feel outraged by the harrowing atrocities against women, girls and children reported daily in both Urdu and English news Media. It is time for a concerted action so together we "Say NO to Gender-Based Violence".
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
*Participants of ‘training workshop on safety, digital security and psycho-social support’ stress
ISLAMABAD: Journalists - whether a stringer, full-timer or a blogger - are targeted or become collateral victims in an atmosphere of intense religio-political tension in Pakistan. A sense of despair and hopelessness about the future was the one prevalent sentiment as common among all the participants Bloggers and Rights’ Defenders that was expressed in a “3-Days Training on Safety, Digital Security and Psycho-social Support for Bloggers and Human Rights Defenders”.
The participants from various cities of the country along with the trainers were of their opinion that Bloggers and HRD’s need to take increased security measures against physical and digital threat of infringement on sensitive information they deal with, for both their personal and professional security.
Pakistan Press Foundation (PPF) in association with European Union, Centre for Peace and Development Initiatives (CPDI) and Media Matters for Democracy organized this three days (October 22-24, 2021) Safety and Security Workshop in a local hotel of Federal Capital.
The trainer Syed Tahir Mahmood with his trademark authority of knowledge studded with updated examples and a strong sense of humour not only taught the Basic Pre Security arrangements to First Aid Training and Weapons & Improvised Explosive Devises (IEDs) Awareness but also made the participants glued to their seats as no member wanted to skip the session. Participants got to know about how to Control Digital and Personal Security, in a later session conducted by Asif Iqbal. Laraib Sheikh of PPF was the coordinator of the workshop. Pakistan Press Foundation, during the 4th wave of Coronavirus conducted this workshop following the Covid19 SOP’s.
Syed Tahir Mahmood- a renowned trainer having a vast experience working and providing trainings in security, development and corporate sector briefed journalists about first aid and cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CRP). First Aid training helps prepare individuals to deliver initial emergency procedures in response to bomb blasts, road accidents, bleeding after severe injuries, and mental stress.
He performed demonstrations about the emergency procedures to guide the participants, who showed a keen interest in all the training sessions. The bloggers and HRDs expressed satisfaction that they learnt the emergency procedures to respond to any unpleasant situation.
Reporting on subjects such as gang violence, social issues, terrorism, state corruption or human rights abuses, or reporting that is otherwise critical of government or public officials, leaves journalists and rights’ activists the most vulnerable to various forms of attacks and violence
It is the matter of great concern that the workers of media and civil society are facing rising cases of physical dangers, online harassment and social & psychological pressures while performing their duties.
The workshop apprised the representatives of media and civil society through safety training about safeguarding themselves while using their democratic right. In workshop participants learnt how to conduct the risk assessment prior to coverage, how to cope with unexpected circumstances and emergencies.
Participants of the eighth security workshop learn how to maintain safety in different scenarios physically and digitally, techniques to break the attack cycle, prevention and survival techniques against kidnapping were discussed, self-defense methods were also demonstrated and participants practiced each method.
These safety training workshops enhanced the professional skills of the participants and also helped them cope with unsafe and stressful situations during the course of duty. Session on psychosocial support proved to be extremely informative, participants discussed various issues with the trainer, importance of mental health and its impact over work was also discussed.
The participants of bloggers and human rights defenders commended the efforts of Pakistan Press Foundation and the European Union for organizing such training sessions and requested to continue similar training sessions for other bloggers and human rights defenders to learn techniques for safety.
An Islamabad based participants acknowledging the efforts of organizers said that, “The moment this workshop starts with a multimedia (PowerPoint), of a quote from Irish Liberation Army (ILA) in context of an assassination attempt to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in 1984, I felt that the trainer Syed Tahir Mahmood is not an ordinary stuff. Later, as the time progresses, it is proven. Tahir, indeed, is a practical man who could assess everything with hand-on knowledge,” he maintains.
A young participant, Atif Ali Qureshi opines that “Safety training by PPF was great exposure for me. We are bloggers and human defenders who work for society very passionately, always moving forward taking risks in their lives. They move forward and keep going. They face hurdles. They don't always have preferable situations. They work in rainy weather, they work under the sun in hot weather and they work in a conflict zone. When a blogger writes anything in support of society or for hundreds of innocent people, he has to face powerful criminals; he has to bear threats from them. This have their cost and nothing is without cost many journalist and bloggers have paid this cost by giving their life for the human support, Three things can never be hide the sun, the moon and the truth same thing bloggers and human defenders do they never hide truth which is the right of every person to know, which is the essential ingredient of society to keep it clean for which Socrates and all the seekers of the truth have given their life by saying that we prefer to die with truth instead of living with lie. Pakistan is a very sensitive country which is a under developing country, developing countries when they are on their way of development. At that time, some problems exist like security issues and development of society by getting rid of extremist corruption and criminals. At that time, HDRs and bloggers keep working for the right cause and improvement of society. In this tough time PPF appeared like a blessing in disguise which stood for the safety of HDRs and bloggers to teach them practically how to take care of themselves.”
Syeda Azka Ayman, a female participant reckons it an amazing experience of learning. She says, “Beinga part of this security training workshop by PPF , has been an amazing experience for me.To be honest, I would like to share that before this marvellous event I was somewhat unaware of the security measures I and all the other peeps around need to take for securing our survival. Just for instance , when I'm walking beside a road I can't stop my mind from following a series of flashbacks of self defense. Everything including risk assessment, First aid training, trauma and self care, digital security session and personal security were full of zeal and inspiration.This workshop has not only equipped me with dexterity but also has influenced my mindset with abundance of inducement and incitement. Working in such mesmerising environment with enthusiastic trainees has aided in primping up and grooming myself to a great extent.It must have been the best training session I've had throughout , in supervision of the most dedicated and excellent trainer Mr Syed Tahir Mehmood who has been an inspiration to us by his positive attitude and meaningful efforts”.
Another participant Mirwaise Khan, a journalist hailing from Balochistan who is currently working for 92 News says that “Personally to me being a journalist from a controlled province by the security apparatus, I get seconds thoughts for writing a blog, article or to highlight the flight of the people of the province. The security training workshop by (PPF) I attended has really extended my horizons of thinking about my personal security in the current situation. I was ignorant of many threats associated with Journalism and covering stories that may create situations where my personal security can come under immense threat from many stakeholders. Trainer Mr Syed Tahir Mehmood, a professional with proven security risk management experience, equipped me with the knowledge from the basics of threat perception to the effective management of the fall out of the emerging risks that may result in my line of profession. Securing my digital privacy, taking care myself in case of any medical emergency, performing CPR, avoiding land mines, avoiding being followed and kidnapped were the important aspects of the training which is something I was unaware of and now I feel confident while doing journalism effectively”.
Sunday, September 26, 2021
0333 53 63 248
He was a quality satirist, a columnist at par, an eminent critique, a devoted researcher, a humble, polite and down to earth creature, an arduous linguist and last but no way the least an author of 30+ reference books on various socio- economic to religio-political issues.
He was Dr. S.M. Moin Qureshi, who closed his eyes for good on Monday, September 20, 2021 in Karachi, to open every Pakistani’s eyes on societal abnormalities. With his death, an era in Urdu literature has come to an end.
It was a scorching hot day of 16th July, 2016, when I chanced to meet this elegant and cheerful person inside the auditorium of Federal Urdu University, Islamabad. I was invited there to attend an Eight days long workshop on “Urdu Correspondence”. I have not been familiar with the Urdu Correspondence as being worked for English Newspapers (Daily Times/ Pakistan Today) for the last 10 years. So I thought to grab this opportunity as being part of Urdu Daily (my first experience from 2012).
I spend 20 minutes sitting inside (the auditorium), having a quick introduction and listening the introductory preamble from Dr. S.M. Moin Qureshi in his own idiosyncratic satirical style and quoted many of his sarcastic writings, I hurriedly made the exit of hall and made quick calls to the members of Federal Education Reporters’ Association (FERA) - an association comprising education beat reporters from Islamabad. As being the Information Secretary of FERA at that time, I requested each call receivers to turn up here because I’ve found this gentleman (Dr. S.M. Moin Qureshi) is not an ordinary soul. First day, I was alone from the FERA with other students from various public sector organizations.
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A group photo with Dr. SM Moin Qureshi |
These eight days flown away like the blink on an eye. During this, especially I alongside FERA members including Tauseef Abbasi (Online/ Jinnah), Zafar Sirpa (President FERA) and others not only learnt phrases, usage of words, correct pronunciation of commonly used words from Dr. Qureshi but also made him appreciating our presence too. I found him pretty jolly at this age (in 60’s) so without wasting my time, I started asking him a number of questions each day. First day, when I asked Dr. Qureshi, “Dr. sb, you have been retired from Sindh Social Security, now how are you spending your life? He retorted, “Bhai Mahtab… I have been retired but I am not tired”, this answer made me tickle. Later, when I got late, Dr.sb asked from the participants “Aaj wo bari bari ankhon wala larka nazar nahi a raha”.
Dr. Qureshi during this workshop also started dictation from the participants. Each day, he dictated us and then he gave us not only marks but awarded the best student with a note of Rs.100. I was the blessed one to grab
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Having a treasure of Rs. 100. Dr Fatima Hassan also in the pic. |
that 100 Rs note thrice, but Tauseef Abbasi not only declared the best student of the class but also got that award of distinction with Rs.2000 cash prize. .
He was an avid music lover and theatre and movie fan. I remember, one of the last days, during the workshop, he started singing an old Indian song with the lyrics, “Na ye chand ho ga, na taray rahain ge, magar hum hamesha, tumharay rahain ge” and asked: Who is the singer. The melody, the note, the composition looks familiar to Mukesh Kumar’s, sitting in the front row- I prompted, “Mukesh Kumar”, Dr sb. He said, “Majority yahi samjhty hain, or tum bhi usi majority mein se ho. This song is from an old Indian movie ‘Shart” released in 1954 starring Shayama and Deepak. This melodious and melancholic song sung by Hemant Kumar” was enough for my embarrassment.
During those Eight-days he spoke at length about the importance of reading. He often expressed his pleasant surprise at the turn-out in the workshop of each day and admitted that “Islamabadites (students) are the best in learning, understanding and putting up questions”.
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Worth a Rs.100 note |
While holding his hand at Shah Allah Ditta’s uneven spots, I asked, “Dr. sb, you earlier mentioned you have tied the knot at the age of 18. What’s your suggestion to younger couples of secret of married life”? With his trademark smile, he replied, “Yar… aik hi tareeka hay, pass kar ya bardasht kar”. What do you mean by pass kar, I continued asking. “lafz pass urdu wala bhi hay or English wala bhi, yani Pass on ka matlub hua.. Escape ka button dabaty jao, pass ka matlub hua… ke wohi kamyab hay. Aor bardasht bhi ap ny hi karna hay”, he replied laughingly. I said, yani it’s a win win situation for her? And our laughter vanished somewhere in the caves.
On a serious note, when I asked him the difference between Tanz (satire) and Mazah (humour), he replied, “Tanz main kaat hoti hay, it can rip one’s through. Mazah makes one laugh on the same issue. Yani Mazah hansta hay, tanz dasta hy. “Mazah bhary pait sy nikalta hay jabke Tanz bhookay pait ki paidawar he. Mazah or mazak main farq hona chahiay. Mazah tarz-e-tehreer hay, sinf nahi hay, usloob he, he kept on talking.
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FERA family visits Karachi |
Meanwhile, Tauseef Abbasi and I were regularly in touch with Dr. S.M. Moin Qureshi. His response on whatsapp and messenger was quick. On his birthday September 15, I send him Birthday greetings. It was perhaps, the first and the last time, I didn’t get his response. I thought he is not well, so I didn’t call him until September 20th morning, when Tauseef Abbasi broke the news of Dr. S.M. Qureshi’s departure.
Dr. S.M Moin Qureshi’s scholarly articles and columns both in Urdu and English have been regularly published in Pakistan’s leading journals and newspapers. He was the patron of promotion of Urdu language. “Urdu is nowhere in the public sector offices yet. Where is Supreme Court’s judgement? Aaj humain Urdu ki tehreek ke sath sath, mazah ki tehreek chalany ki bhi ashad zarurat he”, he told this scribe referring Urdu language usage in Dilawar Figar’s quatrain “Aik University mein kisi Suit Posh sy, Main ne kaha ke aap hain kia- koi sergeant? Kehny lagay ke aapsy mistake ho gai, I am the head of the Urdu Department”.
He has authored about 30 memorable books- all considered to be the reference work in the relevant discipline. The title’s of the books says it all what’s inside it. Wandering & Wondering, Ab Main Likhun Ke Na Likhun, Europe Se Europe Tak, Baal-e-Qarz Muhaal, Har Shaakh pe…, West is West, The Straight Path, From Here to Fraternity, East is East, Hawaas-e-Khasta, Pahaar Talay, Kitnay Aadmi thay, Yun Nahi Yun, Tears for Cheers, Ba Nazr-e-Ghair, Headlight, Khud Khush Hamla, Loot Sale are few of classics.
With his services rendered to Urdu literature, we remember Dr. S.M. Moin Qureshi as an asset of Pakistan. We pray Almighty Allah to give him the superlative spot in Heaven.
First, you dedicated this to all of us, but, now, it is time to reciprocate, though I think, we cannot. Here’s for you!
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In a workshop (exam day) |
لئے ہیں، تمہارے رہیں گے،
یہ چاند ہو گا، نہ تارے رہیں گے،
ہم ہمیشہ تمہارے رہیں گے ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔
Saturday, September 18, 2021
Her Excellency,
Jacinda Kate Laurell Ardern
Prime Minister of New Zealand
As you are well aware of the fact that your Cricket Board's unilateral and sudden decision well backed by your highness to call off the Pakistan tour over an ambiguous "security alert" appears to be a hasty decision to tarnish the peace-loving country's image of Pakistan around the globe. It also gives an impression that your decisions are not your own. It would seem unfair and unsporting not to engage with the host nation in such matters, to say nothing of ignoring the head-of-state level security accorded to the visitors.
Excellency, all this, mind you, occurred after they (your board officials & team players) publicly expressed satisfaction at the security arrangements and praised facilities and hospitality spending well over a week time.
Pakistani fans are understandably, distraught at the 11th hour cancelation, especially given how Pakistan supported New Zealand politically, and New Zealand Cricket on the ground, twice in the last two years by going ahead with a tour despite the horrific terrorist attack in the Christchurch in which more than 50 people were killed, and then, in a challenging Covid-19 induced bio secure bubble environment.
But while fans can be emotional anywhere, what's intriguing is why New Zealand did not bother to be more forthcoming on the proclaimed alert to the host government. It is likely to create bad blood in bilateral ties beyond cricket and for once, it seems not even YOU could read the pitch. Sad!
Pakistan have been supporting you through thick and thin, but your ‘cold’ and “ambiguous’ response to our Prime Minister was- “there was no issue of a threat but the New Zealand government had received intelligence that the team could be attacked when it steps out to go to the stadium” was nothing but an indication how much your Cricket Board and your government is influenced by others. Your heart and brain is not in the right place- in this regard the less said the better.
Excellency, As our Prime Minister Imran Khan informed you that we have one of the best intelligence systems in the world and that no security threat of any kind exists for the visiting team, let me allow to speak further, “We do not have the best intelligence agencies but we have the best cricket team too”.
Ms Prime Minister, since your action is based upon malafide intentions (for not giving the valid reasons of forfeiting the scheduled matches), I am to convey you, these days all teams are sick and tired of the bio secure bubble (which is why some players are opting out every now and then). So do we stop playing altogether, then? Of course, not. Look at how the game is evolving since Covid-19 started to dictate terms.
Excellency, for this, let's also sometimes spare a thought for the injustice being meted out to Pakistan on the pretext of "security" issues. Can you imagine NZ daring to abandon, say, a tour to India like this?
Your Cricket Team back departure has not made us failed, in anyway. But you tried to desert us. My hunch is it may have something to do with international geopolitics. Don't forget that AUKUS (The US, UK and Australia have formed a new bloc to counter China but obviously their interests converge on Afghanistan also, and which are contrary to Pakistan's) was formed days ago. England is also likely to pull out. NZ will want to lean on their side. Australia and England are two parts of the Big Three at the ICC dominated by India. We all know where this is going, don't we? May be, you do as well.
Pakistani fan reactions tend to be emotional but I'm not worried about that. However, I'd rather we also look out after our interests and adopt a clear policy of reciprocity in the future.
Am not looking out for something to validate a non-cricketing reason, just expressing a possibility of one, and this is entirely based on the failure of NZ to substantiate the "proclaimed security alert" to Islamabad and their unwillingness to share intel if that indeed was the case. It's not as if Pakistan would have forced them to tour had they shared it.
Excellency, we will find out ‘the gloved hands’ behind this conspiracy as your team’s tour cancellation was an attempt to damage Pakistan’s efforts for peace in the region.
Last but indeed not the least, we will vent out our frustration through our performance in the cricket arenas, as this is the only solution to cope with the pull out (of your team). It was an unfortunate scenario, but it is not the first that such an incident has happened. Pakistan's cricket has always moved forward because we are resilient - and it is the fans who enable us.
May the Almighty help New Zealand when people like you with weak decision-making and dubious credentials are at such important positions.
See you on October 26th, in Sharja, UAE.
Thanking you for your time, efforts and patience.
A Pakistani Cricket Fanatic
+92 333 53 63 248
Wednesday, August 4, 2021
Janu, you know, this Pakistani Qaom is so finicky, ... har bat main worms nikalty hain. Oho, ab dekho na, everyone has the right of expression, be it of boasting with the tongue or flaunting with the dressing. You know, everyone loves Quaid-e-Azam as being the founder of this nation. Aor han... wo do bachy- haa haay, they are semi nude and look at their posture and dressing, uff... Wo to ... when I came from States just few days back, you know ... to ... I logged in to twitter … to … I found their “bold photo shoot” and string of comments like … everybody was cursing them. Waisy, mery khayal main to… is highway par Qauid kay portrait ko itna zyada pehly kabhi nahi dekha gia tha, what you say, Janu? Ye to, you know, bhala ho is bold couple ka … that they have forced us ALL to closely watch this portrait of Quaid and his immortal message of Faith, Unity, and Discipline. Janu, dekho to sahi, look at the photo shoot bhala… kaisy aik ‘Faith’ ky sath dono shameless larki larka United’ ho kar ‘Discipline’ ki dhajian ura rahy hain, Oh my Gosh!!!
The writer is a senior journalist working for Dunya News and is an Independent blogger based in Islamabad. He can be accessed at mahtabbashir@gmail.com and 0333 53 63 248
Saturday, July 31, 2021
* Interior Minister Sheikh Rasheed says “had he the powers, he would have killed the suspect of Noor Mukadam”
There is a very strong and very urgent need for the state to finally put its foot down and deal with such matters with an iron fist. There are clearly far too many sick degenerates roaming among us and the days when they could kill, rape and/or maim at will need to come to an end right now. Let us hope that the government understands that it needs to go the extra mile to deal with this issue, and that it will not be found wanting in its efforts.
The murder of Noor Mukaddam in Islamabad (on July 20, 2021) did not capture the attention of the public because of the prominence of the parents (her father was a former ambassador, the accused is the scion of a well-known business family), or the brutality of the killing (which included a beheading), but the garish light it threw on a society where a toxic misogyny combined with a social penchant to violence is not so much condoned as expected. A new factor in the mixture is the sense of entitlement of the accused, who loudly proclaimed at his initial magisterial appearance that he was a US citizen, as if that made any difference. Another problem is that the accused’s mental problems have been highlighted.
Some problems have been inadvertently highlighted. First is the role of social media in bringing such cases to the fore. It is almost as if the police has decided not to respond until the social media galvanizes it. Secondly there is the distinct impression that Islamabad is not a safe city. This is not the first incident involving an ambassador’s daughter. Only recently the disappearance of the Afghhna mbassador’s daughter caused a major diplomatic row. Interior Minister Sh Rashid Ahmad tried to deflect attention by claiming that it had been an Indian conspiracy, but has so far not made any claims trying to dismiss the present incident. Perhaps someone has told him that his efforts harm the police more than they help. Earlier, there had been the weird case of Usman Mirza and his entrapment ring. Things are happening in the federal capital because a loose governmental grip has meant that Islamabad is becoming a place to try it on. Criminals are pushing limits and are being left alone.
July 7 — Zahir books ticket to US
Zahir Jaffer had planned to leave the country.
Zahir had booked a one-way flight for New York on July 7.
The flight was scheduled for 3:50am on July 19.
July 18 — Zahir arranges taxi to go to airport later that night, Noor arrives at house
On the afternoon of July 18, Zahir made arrangements for a taxi service to take him to the airport the following night, when his flight was scheduled for departure.
The booking was made at 12:59pm. He was told he would be charged Rs2,000 for the trip.
Later that day, while Noor was at her home in Naval Anchorage, Islamabad, she received a call from Zahir. Phone records show he was in the surroundings of the Ali Plaza in Islamabad’s Blue Area at the time. Noor left her home at around 9:05pm for Zakir's house. She sent him two text messages enquiring about his whereabouts while she was crossing Abbas Plaza in Islamabad at 9:45pm.
Noor arrived at Jaffer House, situated in Sector F-7/4, Islamabad, at around 10pm on July 18, 2021.
Investigation team sources reveal that around or after her arrival, Zahir made multiple contacts with the travel agency which had booked his ticket. The sources quoted Zahir as asking the agent: "What will happen if I don't travel on the booking date?" Zahir was told that his ticket will be "wasted". At this, Zahir asked: "I am informing you three hours in advance. Why would it be wasted?"The travel agent responded saying that three hours ahead of the flight, "all control goes to the airport", but he will "try to get it cancelled". Zahir then asked how his booking would be impacted if he were to travel 10 days later. "With your ticket cancelled, you will have to pay the difference in rates that are sure to occur by then," the agent replied. Upon being told this, Zahir told the agent he would get back to them in a while. Zahir contacted the travel agent a further five times, the sources said, and later sent an SMS saying that he has decided to travel to the US.
The taxi for the airport arrived at 11pm, July 18, and the driver subsequently called Zahir at 11:15pm, upon which he was told to wait. The driver called Zahir again at 11:36pm and was once more told to wait a bit.
July 19 — Zahir leaves for airport with 'barefooted' Noor, only to return home shortly
Zahir told the taxi driver to return as he no longer plans on going to the airport.
He also paid Rs1,000 to the taxi driver through his gatekeeper.
The driver called Zahir again at 1:40am saying that since he had been paid Rs1,000, he can come pick him up later in case he changes his mind. Zahir told him he may come, the sources said. They said that the taxi returned at 2am to take Zahir to the airport.
Zahir came out of his house with Noor, who was barefooted.
According to the sources, both got into the taxi and the vehicle left at 2:20am.
It was headed for the airport when, all of a sudden, at the Kulsoom underpass, Zahir instructed the driver to turn back home. When the driver asked what the matter was, Zahir said that they are "late" and "will not be able to reach on time".
Sources said that the taxi driver turned the car around and dropped them both back home at around 2:35am. The driver said he saw Zahir taking Noor inside the house, along with his luggage, the sources added. The sources said that the driver had noticed that Noor was silent throughout the entire trip while Zahir continued to speak to her.
Zahir made another call at 3:58am to his travel agent, which was not received, the sources said.
Nearly 17 hours later, there were signs of trouble at Jaffer House around 11pm on the night of July 19. Police’s preliminary findings suggest Zahir had a fight with Noor soon after she received a series of texts from her parents.
July 20 — The day Noor was murdered and Zahir was arrested
Retired ambassador Shaukat Mukadam, Noor's father, sent her three text messages past midnight asking her her "whereabouts and wellbeing". Noor never responded to these texts. Police believe Zahir had withheld the phone from Noor and she was not allowed to use the device. Her mother sent her a text after 1am, to which she did not respond either. The father sent her two texts again but Noor never replied to her parents' texts the whole night.
Noor's mother tried to contact her through voice/text messages. Meanwhile, two of her family friends tried to call her but received no response till 5:48am in the morning.
Noor managed to send a voice message to her mother from Zahir's house at 10:43am. This was to be the last message she sent before her murder. The contents of this message have not been revealed yet.
Soon after she managed to send the message, Zahir reportedly snatched her phone and called her mother three times at around 10:56am using his own phone. Zahir reportedly spoke to Noor's mother for some 20 minutes, telling her that "Noor is not here at my house".
From 11am to 7:30pm on July 20, Noor was held in captivity.
Zahir spoke to his father at 1:44pm for around 30 minutes.
He once more called his father at 2:14pm, only to speak for nine seconds this time.
He did not make any more calls, until 6:35pm.
Zahir again called his father for roughly two minutes.
He once more called his father, this time speaking to him for around a minute-and-a-half.
Zahir spoke to his father for a third time that evening, for just over four minutes.
A few minutes later, at 6:53pm, he called a friend and spoke to him for just over a minute.
He called his friend again at 7:09pm and spoke to him for just under a minute.
He did not make any other calls until 7:29pm.
7:10pm – 7:35pm
Noor Mukadam jumped off a balcony on the first floor and rushed towards the main gate. Meanwhile, Zahir Jaffer also came out from the house and locked her in the guard's cabin, snatched her mobile phone and dragged her inside the bungalow.
It is believed by police investigators that Noor was murdered after this encounter, between 7:10 and 7:30pm. What is known is that she was brutally tortured and finally beheaded.
It is not just a matter of obtaining justice for the dead woman. It is no longer a matter of punishing the perpetrator. The killer must be tried and punished to prove that society can handle such events. More than any consciousness-raising events, it must be made clear that punishment is inevitable, no matter whose son one is, and no matter which country one is a citizen of.
Saturday, July 24, 2021
Digital espionage has become the stuff of modern conspiracy theories for many reasons. Just as scientific progress turned society around completely, it has also revolutionized the old game of international spying. And it turns out, quite interestingly, that those with the biggest military muscle are not necessarily the best equipped when it comes to cyber warfare.
News that the Indian government used an Israeli software to spy on Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan by hacking his phone is disturbing and paints New Delhi in a bad light, but it’s also an established and accepted fact that all countries have intelligence agencies that are expected to do whatever they need to do to conduct effective espionage in other countries. And since we’ve hardly been best friends with India practically since forever, there’s no reason for us to throw our toys around just because this time the Indians got their hands caught in the cookie jar. We should, instead, find out all the reasons that one unfriendly country was able to leverage another unfriendly country’s technology to bypass or security systems and make sure that such a thing never happens again.
NSO standing for Niv, Shalev and Omri, the names of the company's founders- is an Israeli technology firm whose spyware called Pegasus enables the remote surveillance of smartphones. The NSO maintains that the Pegasus is only intended for use against criminals and terrorists.
The Pegasus also violates peoples’ privacy, making it easy to blackmail important individuals who can be forced to act upon directives that are illegal or against national interest.
As such the close partnership between Delhi and Tel Aviv should ring loud alarm bells in Islamabad. It seems that while our military has been as good as any in not just conventional but also guerrilla warfare, our security apparatus as a whole might need to take a bigger leap into the digital realm. The future, which is going to be very different from the past, is almost already upon us. Hopefully this episode about India and Israel colluding against our interests will trigger the change that is needed to make our physical and digital boundaries completely impenetrable.
The PTI government is reportedly meditating to develop a new software for the federal ministers as a firewall against the Pegasus. This is a costly enterprise with doubtful outcome. It needs to be accompanied by raising the issue at world forums with like-minded countries for a global moratorium on the international spyware trade.
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