Wednesday, October 27, 2021


*State and Media organizations must ensure that journalists are trained on precautions and equipped with protective material
*Participants of ‘training workshop on safety, digital security and psycho-social support’ stress

Journalists - whether a stringer, full-timer or a blogger - are targeted or become collateral victims in an atmosphere of intense religio-political tension in Pakistan. A sense of despair and hopelessness about the future was the one prevalent sentiment as common among all the participants Bloggers and Rights’ Defenders that was expressed in a “3-Days Training on Safety, Digital Security and Psycho-social Support for Bloggers and Human Rights Defenders”.

The participants from various cities of the country along with the trainers were of their opinion that Bloggers and HRD’s need to take increased security measures against physical and digital threat of infringement on sensitive information they deal with, for both their personal and professional security.

Pakistan Press Foundation (PPF) in association with European Union, Centre for Peace and Development Initiatives (CPDI) and Media Matters for Democracy organized this three days (October 22-24, 2021) Safety and Security Workshop in a local hotel of Federal Capital.

The trainer Syed Tahir Mahmood with his trademark authority of knowledge studded with updated examples and a strong sense of humour not only taught the Basic Pre Security arrangements to First Aid Training and Weapons & Improvised Explosive Devises (IEDs) Awareness but also made the participants glued to their seats as no member wanted to skip the session. Participants got to know about how to Control Digital and Personal Security, in a later session conducted by Asif Iqbal. Laraib Sheikh of PPF was the coordinator of the workshop. Pakistan Press Foundation, during the 4th wave of Coronavirus conducted this workshop following the Covid19 SOP’s.

Syed Tahir Mahmood- a renowned trainer having a vast experience working and providing trainings in security, development and corporate sector briefed journalists about first aid and cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CRP). First Aid training helps prepare individuals to deliver initial emergency procedures in response to bomb blasts, road accidents, bleeding after severe injuries, and mental stress.

He performed demonstrations about the emergency procedures to guide the participants, who showed a keen interest in all the training sessions. The bloggers and HRDs expressed satisfaction that they learnt the emergency procedures to respond to any unpleasant situation.

Reporting on subjects such as gang violence, social issues, terrorism, state corruption or human rights abuses, or reporting that is otherwise critical of government or public officials, leaves journalists and rights’ activists the most vulnerable to various forms of attacks and violence

It is the matter of great concern that the workers of media and civil society are facing rising cases of physical dangers, online harassment and social & psychological pressures while performing their duties.

The workshop apprised the representatives of media and civil society through safety training about safeguarding themselves while using their democratic right. In workshop participants learnt how to conduct the risk assessment prior to coverage, how to cope with unexpected circumstances and emergencies.

Participants of the eighth security workshop learn how to maintain safety in different scenarios physically and digitally, techniques to break the attack cycle, prevention and survival techniques against kidnapping were discussed, self-defense methods were also demonstrated and participants practiced each method.

These safety training workshops enhanced the professional skills of the participants and also helped them cope with unsafe and stressful situations during the course of duty. Session on psychosocial support proved to be extremely informative, participants discussed various issues with the trainer, importance of mental health and its impact over work was also discussed.

The participants of bloggers and human rights defenders commended the efforts of Pakistan Press Foundation and the European Union for organizing such training sessions and requested to continue similar training sessions for other bloggers and human rights defenders to learn techniques for safety.

An Islamabad based participants acknowledging the efforts of organizers said that, “The moment this workshop starts with a multimedia (PowerPoint), of a quote from Irish Liberation Army (ILA) in context of an assassination attempt to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in 1984, I felt that the trainer Syed Tahir Mahmood is not an ordinary stuff. Later, as the time progresses, it is proven. Tahir, indeed, is a practical man who could assess everything with hand-on knowledge,” he maintains.

A young participant, Atif Ali Qureshi opines that “Safety training by PPF was great exposure for me. We are bloggers and human defenders who work for society very passionately, always moving forward taking risks in their lives. They move forward and keep going. They face hurdles. They don't always have preferable situations. They work in rainy weather, they work under the sun in hot weather and they work in a conflict zone. When a blogger writes anything in support of society or for hundreds of innocent people, he has to face powerful criminals; he has to bear threats from them. This have their cost and nothing is without cost many journalist and bloggers have paid this cost by giving their life for the human support, Three things can never be hide the sun, the moon and the truth same thing bloggers and human defenders do they never hide truth which is the right of every person to know, which is the essential ingredient of society to keep it clean for which Socrates and all the seekers of the truth have given their life by saying that we prefer to die with truth instead of living with lie. Pakistan is a very sensitive country which is a under developing country, developing countries when they are on their way of development. At that time, some problems exist like security issues and development of society by getting rid of extremist corruption and criminals. At that time, HDRs and bloggers keep working for the right cause and improvement of society. In this tough time PPF appeared like a blessing in disguise which stood for the safety of HDRs and bloggers to teach them practically how to take care of themselves.”

Syeda Azka Ayman, a female participant reckons it an amazing experience of learning. She says, “Being
a part of this security training workshop by PPF , has been an amazing experience for me.To be honest, I would like to share that before this marvellous event I was somewhat unaware of the security measures I and all the other peeps around need to take for securing our survival. Just for instance , when I'm walking beside a road I can't stop my mind from following a series of flashbacks of self defense. Everything including risk assessment, First aid training, trauma and self care, digital security session and personal security were full of zeal and inspiration.This workshop has not only equipped me with dexterity but also has influenced my mindset with abundance of inducement and incitement. Working in such mesmerising environment with enthusiastic trainees has aided in primping up and grooming myself to a great extent.It must have been the best training session I've had throughout , in supervision of the most dedicated and excellent trainer Mr Syed Tahir Mehmood who has been an inspiration to us by his positive attitude and meaningful efforts”.

Another participant Mirwaise Khan, a journalist hailing from Balochistan who is currently working for
92 News says that “Personally to me being a journalist from a controlled province by the security apparatus, I get seconds thoughts for writing a blog, article or to highlight the flight of the people of the province. The security training workshop by (PPF) I attended has really extended my horizons of thinking about my personal security in the current situation. I was ignorant of many threats associated with Journalism and covering stories that may create situations where my personal security can come under immense threat from many stakeholders. Trainer Mr Syed Tahir Mehmood, a professional with proven security risk management experience, equipped me with the knowledge from the basics of threat perception to the effective management of the fall out of the emerging risks that may result in my line of profession. Securing my digital privacy, taking care myself in case of any medical emergency, performing CPR, avoiding land mines, avoiding being followed and kidnapped were the important aspects of the training which is something I was unaware of and now I feel confident while doing journalism effectively”.

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