Saturday, July 24, 2021


Pakistan seeks U.N. probe of India's use of Pegasus spyware

Digital espionage has become the stuff of modern conspiracy theories for many reasons. Just as scientific progress turned society around completely, it has also revolutionized the old game of international spying. And it turns out, quite interestingly, that those with the biggest military muscle are not necessarily the best equipped when it comes to cyber warfare.

News that the Indian government used an Israeli software to spy on Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan by hacking his phone is disturbing and paints New Delhi in a bad light, but it’s also an established and accepted fact that all countries have intelligence agencies that are expected to do whatever they need to do to conduct effective espionage in other countries. And since we’ve hardly been best friends with India practically since forever, there’s no reason for us to throw our toys around just because this time the Indians got their hands caught in the cookie jar. We should, instead, find out all the reasons that one unfriendly country was able to leverage another unfriendly country’s technology to bypass or security systems and make sure that such a thing never happens again.

NSO standing for Niv, Shalev and Omri, the names of the company's founders- is an Israeli technology firm whose spyware called Pegasus enables the remote surveillance of smartphones. The NSO maintains that the Pegasus is only intended for use against criminals and terrorists.

The Pegasus also violates peoples’ privacy, making it easy to blackmail important individuals who can be forced to act upon directives that are illegal or against national interest.

As such the close partnership between Delhi and Tel Aviv should ring loud alarm bells in Islamabad. It seems that while our military has been as good as any in not just conventional but also guerrilla warfare, our security apparatus as a whole might need to take a bigger leap into the digital realm. The future, which is going to be very different from the past, is almost already upon us. Hopefully this episode about India and Israel colluding against our interests will trigger the change that is needed to make our physical and digital boundaries completely impenetrable.

The PTI government is reportedly meditating to develop a new software for the federal ministers as a firewall against the Pegasus. This is a costly enterprise with doubtful outcome. It needs to be accompanied by raising the issue at world forums with like-minded countries for a global moratorium on the international spyware trade.

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