Friday, December 10, 2021


Dr. Paul Jacob Bhatti, on International Human Rights Day (December 10), has appealed all faiths to unite together for the assurance of rule of law, justice, and writ of the state in order to promote Jinnah’s Pakistan with his basic principles of faith, unity, and discipline.

Mahtab Bashir

Former federal minister National Harmony and Minorities Affairs and Chairman of All Pakistan
Minorities Alliance (APMA), Dr. Paul Jacob Bhatti has said that at present the whole world and especially Pakistan is in the dire need of peace- which is the only way to prosperity and development of any country. He maintained all religious factions in the country should get together and come forward to shun the religious extremism and violence, which is on the rise in recent years.

Dr Bhatti said every religion conveys the message of love, tolerance, peace and brotherhood but unfortunately nothing is visible in our society because of rapidly spreading tentacles of extremism.

A surgeon by profession, Dr. Paul Bhatti said unless writ of state, law and order, quality education system and religious rights are not prevailed in its true spirits, a peaceful society cannot be formed.

Referring to founder of Pakistan, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Dr. Bhatti said it was the vision of Quaid who kept religion and state affairs separately. In current turmoil, all segments of society must come forward to raise the voice against intolerance and extremism.

In an exclusive talk to this scribe, Dr. Paul Jacob Bhatti elaborated that the Sialkot incident could have been averted if it occurred in any other Islamic country including Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Turkey and the reason is simple- they have strict laws and on spot implementation. But here, unfortunately, how someone’s life could be saved when the police are scared and mob is violent.

A politician and a philanthropist, Dr. Bhatti further said that using religion for vested interests and targeting anyone in the name of blasphemy is not part of the teachings of any religion. “Even our courts have remarked, that in majority of cases that revolves around blasphemy, have been misused,” he maintained. He said we need to understand these religious teachings things and also to teach youngsters to promote interfaith harmony and peace in the country.

He urged parliamentarians, media, religious scholars to highlight the factors that promote negative trends in the state and take remedial steps. “Much work has been done on interfaith harmony and diversity, seminars and conferences have been organized nationally and internationally, but the problem is simple- we Pakistanis are not united. We must follow the religious teachings with its true spirit,” he added.

Dr. Paul Bhatti, an Italian national said “No one has the rights to impose his will to other person. We, also, urgently need to highlight the teachings of all religions. If I am a Christian and in some trouble, no matter what religion you belong to, the teaching of that religion is to help me mitigating this problem, it’s a universal religion,” he maintained.

"Why is this intolerance prevalent so violent? why does the state bow down? What should be the immediate course of action, it needs to be discussed, and for this the ulema (clerics) of all religions have to play their role.

He added that if a person does not adopt moral values, means he is not aware of the fundamental teachings of his religion.

Remembering his slain brother, Shahbaz Bhatti, Dr. Paul Bhatti said that Shahbaz Bhatti was an iconic person. He was proactive in promoting inter-religious harmony nd relationship among people of diverse faiths. “He always wanted for peaceful and co-existence society- but he had to paid the price from extremists- his assassination,” he said.

Dr. Paul Bhatti, also a politician, said that after the death of Shahbaz Bhatti, the 18th amendment was approved, then the Ministry of Minority Affairs was abolished, after which he made efforts for the approval of Ministry of Interfaith Harmony.

Talking about the formation of interfaith society, Dr. Bhatti said people of all religion must think, analyse and prepare themselves to play role in the society. “My aim is to unite people, regardless which religion, caste, creed, one belongs to. I am doing it all over the world. Basically, I want peace all over the world, and this is my only goal (of life),” he concluded.

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