Saturday, June 29, 2024


Muhammad Mahtab Bashir 
    In a period marked by economic and political turmoil, Pakistan faces the difficult challenge of rising radicalization amidst the start of ongoing Azm-e-Pakistan operation in the KP province. Despite the presence of numerous state-run institutions, many remain inactive and unresponsive to the growing threat. 

It is crucial to awaken those dormant institutions and empower them with the awareness needed to combat radicalization effectively, before they shirk their responsibilities. Mending a tear in fabric before it becomes a larger problem (a stitch in time, in simple words), however, is never been a popular practice in this part of the world.

    In the backdrop of a young cleric singer named Hafiz Hassan Iqbal Chishti, there has been a surge in the popularity of his videos on YouTube- both the full versions and shortened clips. In these videos, he delivers a concerning message urging men, particularly parents, to refrain from sending their daughters to school. He labels this act as something only equivalent to prostitution and claims that the girls are engaging in inappropriate behaviors like dancing, while their fathers or guardians are committing an act of pimps while sending them to schools. Chishti's latest video, the 36th in the series, was uploaded just ten days ago under the title "Apni dhi schoolon hata le, othe dance kardi pai ay" and has already received over 64,000 views.

    Wearing a white turban, Hafiz Hassan Iqbal Chishti created his YouTube channel on March 2, 2023. As of the writing of this piece, the channel has got 4.5K subscribers and 426,664 views. Chishti has shared a total of 36 videos, where he can be seen passionately singing and discussing various social issues while using offensive language in what he believes is a service to his religion. Interestingly, despite the channel's creation over 16 months ago, neither military nor civilian state-run institutions have taken any action or engaged in any debate regarding Chishti's content.

    His latest video titled “School wich dhi ghalna- kam hunda ay dallian da”, has quickly gained popularity with 61,000 views. However, the message he is conveying is disturbing as he suggests that parents who send their daughters to school are essentially enabling prostitution. Another controversial video of his from ten months ago gained traction with 51,000 views. In this video, he shamefully sings about women who own touch-screen smartphones, insinuating that they are involved in prostitution. His choice of lyrics is offensive and disrespectful towards women.

    It is surprising to note that of the 36 videos produced by Chishti, his primary emphasis was on reciting Naat-e-Rasool (peace be upon him). However, it was observed that when he began singing other kalams containing provocative words like dalla, kanjari, beghairat, gandi ran, soor, lanati, etc, he acquired a significantly higher viewership- one of his preferred objectives he is settled with now?    

    Have a look of this video, uploaded on March 28, 2023, with 342 likes and 12,990 views. In the video, Hafiz Hassan Iqbal Chishti showcases his ‘vocal talent’ by singing, "Dhi di kamai khawan wala dalla ay, jo dallay nu dalla na samjhy o wi dalla ay/ Sharam karo koi haya karo, sharam karo koi haya karo”. (He who eats off a woman's earned money is a pimp. Someone who does not perceive a pimp as a pimp, himself is a pimp. Feel a sense of shame, show a sense of modesty.) It further goes … “Suraan nalo wadda soor o hunda/ jehra chaddan dhi nu daftar de wich challa ay/ jo dallay nu dalla na samjhy o wi dalla ay”. (He, who drops his daughter off to her office, is the biggest pig among others. Someone who does not perceive a pimp as a pimp, himself is a pimp.) Chishti, while swaying as he sings, not only displays his misogyny but also reveals his hatred for men, especially fathers- making him a genuine misandrist.

    On Saturday, July 29, 2024, the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) and National Commission on Status of Women (NCSW) take strong exception to a series of videos being circulated on social media platforms in which right-wing clerics have urged parents to pull their daughters out of school on the grounds that schooling is associated with ‘obscenity’. In another video, certain clerics have denounced women’s use of mobile phones on similar grounds. The language used in these videos is not only derogatory but also abusive and potentially an incitement to violence. HRCP says, such deep-seated misogyny must be curtailed at once. With an estimated 12 million girls out of school, widespread cultural restrictions on women’s mobility and an alarmingly high incidence of violence against women and girls, Pakistan cannot afford to give any space to derogatory and anti-women rhetoric. The state must urgently counter such narratives through strong and consistent public service messages that uphold girls’ right to education—as is their constitutionally protected right under Article 25A—as well as women’s digital rights more generally, a press release stated.

The writer is a journalist, who values ethics and morality for success in this life and hereafter. 


Waqar Shah said...

ڈانس والے سکول سے ہٹانا ہے۔ باقی جہاں مرضی جائے

Dr Muhammad Faheem Siddiqui said...

After reading the article and listening some parts of the videos, I have been reminded of a clip from Ashfaq Ahmed’s famous program Zavia. He was telling about a young fellow who thought that he was very intelligent and he was sharing with elders a fact that science has discovered that a fly has an eye with several lenses and thats why its vision is very sharp. The elders replied k “ankhain jitni mrzi tez hou bethti gandai pr hai” (No matter how sharp its eyes are, it always seeks for filth).
Same is the case with this Chishti, he only ses what he wants to see.


Mahtab Bashir 03335363248 Islamabad      Many moons ago, as I set out for the office, I spotted my father standing ou...