Sunday, September 28, 2008

Remembering DEAR one's on EID DAY Celebrations

(dedicated to Moazzam Bhai)

Those we love, never go away
They walk beside us everyday,
Unseen, unheard, still near,

still loved, still missed & still very dear.

Today is Eid-ul-Fitr, an annual religious festival, a day all about gratitude, happiness, sharing and celebration. A festival when God wants His people to celebrate as a show of gratefulness to their Lord right after the month of fasting.

Celebrating Eid is following the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) by offering the Eid prayers, dressing up nicely, eating something sweet and greeting all around.

Embracing each other on Eid day and uttering the simple two words of ‘Eid Mubarik’ rejuvenates a special bond between two persons, celebrating the same festival for the same reason. That reason is their religion. Here they forget their socio-economic status, ethnicity, family backgrounds, putting behind all differences for a cause – to celebrate, under one roof, the roof of Allah.

But it is a time of confusion when smiles turn into frowns and laughs convert into tears, when one does not know whether to celebrate or mourn this occasion. It is an Eid without your beloved.

The real essence of Eid does not lie in holding lavish parties and exchanging luxurious gifts. It is about the presence of all the important people in your life, who are there with you in your moments of happiness, sharing gifts wrapped up with affection saying, “I love you and I need you like a flower needs rain, and I want to spend my life’s each and every moment with you.”

Such gestures overpower the need of words to express how you feel towards each other. Your effort says it all. To take out time and think about what to get for your loved one keeping in mind their likes and dislikes and putting them in your love and thought, Eid becomes an occasion to celebrate and rejoice.

But what is Eid without a beloved? Like a dark night with cool breeze, like mesmeric music without rhythm, like love without passion. Where does the glow of the face disappear when you are alone on this festive occasion, wanting to be with someone who is distant from you by the will of Allah? May be you will spend the whole Eid thinking of how great it would be when you will be reunite on Eid, or may be you would recollect your memories when you were together. Now you just feel like mourning because those moments would never be back again because your loved one has departed forever. He would be spending this Eid with angels up in the sky, more happily than anyone on this planet earth.

Safe in the heavens in the refuge of the Almighty, away from the tensions and fears of the mortal world, you do not want to know how he parted from this world leaving behind such great sorrow and emptiness in your life.

Who would have left the house thinking that he might never return, might never see his loved one, might never talk to him, and might never be with him? If this truth was ever known, his beloveds would have never left his hand, he would have never let him go, he would have caged him close to him for eternity. He would have seized every minute.

But destiny is cruel and companionship of two is not meant to be more than these few moments. Some had many Eids to recall and cry over joys they once shared. Some only had dreams of experiencing those joys once they would be together again.

Fate can be ruthless. Testing times can come to anyone at anytime no matter how powerful a person deems to be; in front of death he is powerless.

Today I celebrate Eid with my beloveds. There are few new members making their ways in my life who were not with me yesteryear. This is my first Eid with them, so I feel special and want this occasion to be special. In contrast, this Eid I do not have someone who was with me last year. Someone who bid goodbye to this mortal world, my dear brother. I would remember him on this Eid, miss his presence and last but SURELY not least would miss the joy he brought right through in my life.

A record number of relatives filled our house at Islamabad on this occasion of Eid ul Fitr (19 in all). But there’s no one like Moazzam Bhai who could ever replace what my dear brother gave to me… And I want to thank you.

You’re the air that I breathe
My bro, you’re all that I need
And I wanna thank you, brother.
You’re the words that I read
You’re the light that I see
And your love is all that I need.

I do not know what nature has in store for me. I am illiterate knowing that next moment I would breathe or not. I do not know whether the building I am currently sitting in is safe or not. And I am not aware whether I would see my loved ones again or otherwise. My dictum in this irresolute life is simple and that is to live up to it the most.

This Eid resolve not to waste your time in fighting and quarreling with others but to enjoy the height of delight with near and dear ones. Say whatever is in your heart. Spend as much as you like and do not be a miser in spending your love.

Teri Majboorio' ko Tu hi Behtar Jaanta ho ga
Muhabbat mein Judaa hona Zaroori ho gia ho ga

You never know whether you would be lucky enough to have this blessed moment in life again or not. Enjoy it and reach out to everyone you know. Spread the spirit of Eid in these hard times and bring smile to all the faces around you.


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Voice: 0300 52 56 875


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