Sunday, December 19, 2021


In bodybuilding, a significant aspect is one's character. No one can sustain growth without a disciplined life. A healthy diet, enough sleep, and proper utilisation of time are important. We need qualified nutritionists in bulk, physical education must be a part of our education system while this sport (of bodybuilding) must be recognized and promoted like Cricket in Pakistan, says Rana Shahid Advocate who has dedicated his life to inspiring the youngsters to stay fit and shape a healthy society.

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Mr. Lahore with one of his young fan.
He is a practicing lawyer, a hafiz (a memorizer of the Holy Quran) and a passionate bodybuilder- who believes becoming a professional bodybuilder is a labor of love - and a very expensive hobby. I felt so proud! Not only by earning this honor of clinching a title of “Mr. Lahore 2021” followed by “Mr. Overall Lahore 2021” but also proud of the journey and the process along the way, he starts.

Talking to this scribe, Rana Shahid Advocate says “bodybuilding has helped me gain self-confidence - not in physical looks, but in trusting myself”. He owns what he experiences and maintains that this profession has taught him, discipline, resilience, grit, and determination.

Rana Shahid, 33, a Lahorite by birth narrates “For the first time in the history of Pakistan, this unusual thing happens as I’ve won back to back coveted titles of “Mr. Lahore” and “Mr. Overall Lahore”. One of the significance of winning these titles is- it encourages me a great deal to an extant that this profession of bodybuilding will make its root in lawyers’ fraternity and this sport will be widely supported by men in black coats as well.

Talking about entering into this profession, a natural bodybuilder Rana Shahid says in his teenage he was very frail and feeble and people often ridicule him for his skinny physique. “I remember, one of my fellows advised me to join gym to improve the health. Within few days, I went to a nearby gym, looked around the guys inside but my mind didn’t accept it (to do the hard work). Later, I made up my mind and started with the light weight exercises,” he adds.

A practicing lawyer of LHC, Rana Shahid says “I won my first ever title of ‘Mr.Gym” and later competed for different Lahore’s contest. During that phase, I continued my studies at Madrassah. Months later, I went for “Muscle Mania” contest- where I performed outstandingly, but unfortunately, because of biased judgment of a referee- I lost that contest that left me frustrated. I kept myself away from gym for a while. Later, in 2016, I tied the knot and started going LHC as a practicing lawyer. With the passage of time, my physique starts lumbering,” Rana continues.

Meanwhile, I found myself lucky enough to have Aamir Gujjar (at Asif Gym) - who is still my coach. “Whatever, I am, it’s because of Aamir Gujjar. “He is my mentor who motivated and encouraged me to participate in the next competition. In the beginning, he (Gujjar) handed my nutrition but at this point, he is more for accountability and guidance. I typically run my ideas by him and he provides me feedback. Having a coach (like Gujjar) is huge, especially in the beginning. You need to have those extra sets of eyes to look at you and provide guidance. Having a quality coach gives you the ability to learn as you go along. I highly recommend a coach for everyone,” Rana says.

A 6 feet tall, macho, believes bodybuilding is a tough sport that requires a strict routine. "I think the diet for bodybuilding is more challenging than the fitness regime,” adding "Self-control is the key to success in this field." I rejoined the gym and made continuous efforts for eight months to clinch the title of “Mr. Lahore” in November, 2021 followed by securing “Mr.Overall Lahore” title in December, 2021. Means, I am, probably, the first one to have these two titles within a time of less than a month. And I owe this success to my coach Aamir Gujjar,” the advocate-cum-bodybuilder elaborates.

Rana Shahid recounts that his coach used to make him run from Batti Chowk (Ring Road) to Gulshan Ravi at the wee hours of the day. His diet includes eggs, boiled vegetables, chicken, fish, mutton, rice, bran bread, fresh fruits among other things.

The passionate
bodybuilder further shared some tips for beginners at the gym. "There is no age of bodybuilding to kick start. Even, if you are at young age, you can start it. I totally, disagree with this (myth) that lifting weight and exercise stunts one’s growth. No study has shown this. However, the criteria and standards of weightlifting and exercise might be followed,” he says.

Rana Shahid says, “Bodybuilding is an expensive hobby. For this, proper diet and use of supplements are essential. It takes Rs.2000 to Rs. 2500/ day to spend on quality diet here. I am against use of steroids because every professional bodybuilder has a Dispersed Oil Particulate (DOP) test before the competition- so if one’s DOP is positive, he is out of the contest. Youngsters always look for overnight success. But there is no shortcut in this profession because one has to go through various stages. If someone wants to progress in short time, he might use supplements- because it covers up your diet, boost your energy and not prohibited” he keeps on talking.

Talking about his lifestyle, Rana says “the lifestyle of a bodybuilder is calculated and precise, but, even with kids and work, it can be done. Sometimes it takes having a partner who understands the schedule and sometimes it takes friends or other family members cheering you on. Either way, the key to success as a competitive bodybuilder is a support system and a sense of humor no matter what division you compete in”, he says smilingly.

“Usually, for going into a mega contest, I start working out eight months ago; however, if I am into training, it will take me two excessive months of workout. As for as my future competitions are concerned, I will definitely go for “Mr. Punjab” and “Mr. Pakistan”. But my coach Aamir Gujjar will decide this all,” he maintains.

Sharing information about the poses and judgment criterion, Rana Shahid says there are 4-5 poses of various angels (of body) counts in bodybuilding contests. “Total marks are 100. Out of which thigh muscles marks are the maximum (of 60) while 40 marks are reserved for upper body (biceps, triceps, abs and wings),” he elaborates adding soon he will launch his own YouTube Channel.

Rana Shahid Advocate says “for me a true natural bodybuilder is someone who has build his physique through effective training and a targeted nutrition without ever having used performance enhancing drugs or supplements that differ from the nutrients that naturally occur in our daily diet such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, creatine, etc.

He feels this sport (bodybuilding) needs to be promoted on wider scale. “Bodybuilding is hard on pockets. Unfortunately, there is no private sponsorship available in our country. No private sponsor is ready to spend on a bodybuilder. The Pakistan Bodybuilding Federation in collaboration with the PSB must work hard to promote this game in Pakistan. Passionate and talented bodybuilders deserve a chance to represent the country on an international forum,” Rana pleads.

Friday, December 10, 2021


Dr. Paul Jacob Bhatti, on International Human Rights Day (December 10), has appealed all faiths to unite together for the assurance of rule of law, justice, and writ of the state in order to promote Jinnah’s Pakistan with his basic principles of faith, unity, and discipline.

Mahtab Bashir

Former federal minister National Harmony and Minorities Affairs and Chairman of All Pakistan
Minorities Alliance (APMA), Dr. Paul Jacob Bhatti has said that at present the whole world and especially Pakistan is in the dire need of peace- which is the only way to prosperity and development of any country. He maintained all religious factions in the country should get together and come forward to shun the religious extremism and violence, which is on the rise in recent years.

Dr Bhatti said every religion conveys the message of love, tolerance, peace and brotherhood but unfortunately nothing is visible in our society because of rapidly spreading tentacles of extremism.

A surgeon by profession, Dr. Paul Bhatti said unless writ of state, law and order, quality education system and religious rights are not prevailed in its true spirits, a peaceful society cannot be formed.

Referring to founder of Pakistan, Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, Dr. Bhatti said it was the vision of Quaid who kept religion and state affairs separately. In current turmoil, all segments of society must come forward to raise the voice against intolerance and extremism.

In an exclusive talk to this scribe, Dr. Paul Jacob Bhatti elaborated that the Sialkot incident could have been averted if it occurred in any other Islamic country including Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Turkey and the reason is simple- they have strict laws and on spot implementation. But here, unfortunately, how someone’s life could be saved when the police are scared and mob is violent.

A politician and a philanthropist, Dr. Bhatti further said that using religion for vested interests and targeting anyone in the name of blasphemy is not part of the teachings of any religion. “Even our courts have remarked, that in majority of cases that revolves around blasphemy, have been misused,” he maintained. He said we need to understand these religious teachings things and also to teach youngsters to promote interfaith harmony and peace in the country.

He urged parliamentarians, media, religious scholars to highlight the factors that promote negative trends in the state and take remedial steps. “Much work has been done on interfaith harmony and diversity, seminars and conferences have been organized nationally and internationally, but the problem is simple- we Pakistanis are not united. We must follow the religious teachings with its true spirit,” he added.

Dr. Paul Bhatti, an Italian national said “No one has the rights to impose his will to other person. We, also, urgently need to highlight the teachings of all religions. If I am a Christian and in some trouble, no matter what religion you belong to, the teaching of that religion is to help me mitigating this problem, it’s a universal religion,” he maintained.

"Why is this intolerance prevalent so violent? why does the state bow down? What should be the immediate course of action, it needs to be discussed, and for this the ulema (clerics) of all religions have to play their role.

He added that if a person does not adopt moral values, means he is not aware of the fundamental teachings of his religion.

Remembering his slain brother, Shahbaz Bhatti, Dr. Paul Bhatti said that Shahbaz Bhatti was an iconic person. He was proactive in promoting inter-religious harmony nd relationship among people of diverse faiths. “He always wanted for peaceful and co-existence society- but he had to paid the price from extremists- his assassination,” he said.

Dr. Paul Bhatti, also a politician, said that after the death of Shahbaz Bhatti, the 18th amendment was approved, then the Ministry of Minority Affairs was abolished, after which he made efforts for the approval of Ministry of Interfaith Harmony.

Talking about the formation of interfaith society, Dr. Bhatti said people of all religion must think, analyse and prepare themselves to play role in the society. “My aim is to unite people, regardless which religion, caste, creed, one belongs to. I am doing it all over the world. Basically, I want peace all over the world, and this is my only goal (of life),” he concluded.


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