Wednesday, September 11, 2013


I've come home to Lahore after three full months. Oho baba I was away na. In London only. Had such a fab time going to cinemas, street walking, park strolling - total heaven. Full bijli coming full time. Full gas coming full time. Na koi worry of abduction, na of kidnapping, na of hold-up at gun point. Kulchoo used to go out with friends at night, and that also on pubic transport and I swear I never even worried for one second. Banda jaa kay total relax ho jaata hai. You only realize then in how much of tension you were living over here. Of course, there was that little bit of rioting in London - and between you and me, it was quite scary with all those kaala goondas in hoodies roaming around - but then the guvmunt gave them all a good danda and it was back to normal in one week flat. But despite of that in the end I was missing home so much, so much that don't even ask.

I wanted to see Mummy, wake up in my own bed in my own room, wanted to meet all my friends and hear all their gup shup and see what what they'd done to their houses while I've been away, go buy paan and flowers from Main Market and new lawn prints from Liberty Market, eat aloo gosht with proper tandoor ki roti (salad shalads are fine for a while but nothing like your own khaana, baba), watch desi TV serials and new, new Indian films in my lounge while getting oil message done to my head.

Haan so bus I've been back ten days and already I'm so tired and depressed keh don't even ask. While I've been away apparently hundreds of people have been killed in Karachi. And not just shot, but burnt alive or chopped into little little bits and left in sacks on roads ki sides. Shahbaz Taaseer has been kidnapped in broad daytime. So has that American from Model Town. I think so his name was Waterstime. The maulvi who led Salman Taseer's funeral prayers has received so many threats that he's had to run away from the country. Bijli is still not coming. And despite of it not coming the bijli ka bill is huge. The servants have eaten three boris of atta and one of sugar and six large tins of ghee (fife kilos each) and I don't know how much of meat and sabzis. Our backside wall fell in the rains and next door neighbour had a big robbery in the middle of Ramzan. They lost their TV, DVD, computers, mobiles, cash, jewelry, silver and their car. But they are so happy that the robbers didn't rape their daughter and kidnap their son that tomorrow they are doing big shukraanay ka khatam. Also it is still very hot. But I don't think so I'm allowed to say in case I'm taken to be anti-Pakistan, American/Indian/Jews lover. 

Courtesy TFT
I've come home to Lahore after three full months. Oho baba I was away na. In London only. Had such a fab time going to cinemas, street walking, park strolling - total heaven. Full bijli coming full time. Full gas coming full time. Na koi worry of abduction, na of kidnapping, na of hold-up at gun point. Kulchoo used to go out with friends at night, and that also on pubic transport and I swear I never even worried for one second. Banda jaa kay total relax ho jaata hai. You only realize then in how much of tension you were living over here. Of course, there was that little bit of rioting in London - and between you and me, it was quite scary with all those kaala goondas in hoodies roaming around - but then the guvmunt gave them all a good danda and it was back to normal in one week flat. But despite of that in the end I was missing home so much, so much that don't even ask.

I wanted to see Mummy, wake up in my own bed in my own room, wanted to meet all my friends and hear all their gup shup and see what what they'd done to their houses while I've been away, go buy paan and flowers from Main Market and new lawn prints from Liberty Market, eat aloo gosht with proper tandoor ki roti (salad shalads are fine for a while but nothing like your own khaana, baba), watch desi TV serials and new, new Indian films in my lounge while getting oil message done to my head.

Haan so bus I've been back ten days and already I'm so tired and depressed keh don't even ask. While I've been away apparently hundreds of people have been killed in Karachi. And not just shot, but burnt alive or chopped into little little bits and left in sacks on roads ki sides. Shahbaz Taaseer has been kidnapped in broad daytime. So has that American from Model Town. I think so his name was Waterstime. The maulvi who led Salman Taseer's funeral prayers has received so many threats that he's had to run away from the country. Bijli is still not coming. And despite of it not coming the bijli ka bill is huge. The servants have eaten three boris of atta and one of sugar and six large tins of ghee (fife kilos each) and I don't know how much of meat and sabzis. Our backside wall fell in the rains and next door neighbour had a big robbery in the middle of Ramzan. They lost their TV, DVD, computers, mobiles, cash, jewelry, silver and their car. But they are so happy that the robbers didn't rape their daughter and kidnap their son that tomorrow they are doing big shukraanay ka khatam. Also it is still very hot. But I don't think so I'm allowed to say in case I'm taken to be anti-Pakistan, American/Indian/Jews lover. - See more at:

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