Thursday, June 23, 2011


Following is text of the resignation letter written to the National Assembly speaker by Marvi Memon

It has been my honour to serve as a member of the National Assembly of Pakistan since March 2008. As a first-time parliamentarian, I have honoured the oath I took to perform my functions “always in the interest of the sovereignty, integrity, solidarity, well being and prosperity of Pakistan.”

However, ever since my party leadership’s decision to join the federal government, it has become difficult for me to be true to my oath. I believe that PML-Q leaders by leaving their role as an opposition party have not lived up to the expectations of millions of voters who reposed their trust in them in the Feb 2008 elections. I tried to prevail upon the party leadership to change their decision, but in vain. Now the only honourable course open to me is to resign from PML membership and also as member of the National Assembly on the occasion of vote for the budget.

Abstaining from voting on the budget, would practically mean approving it, and with it, tacitly endorsing all government policies and future plans.

Since I believe this coalition government is working against the interests of the people of Pakistan, my support for the budget would compromise all my struggle for the people. I cannot vote against my conscience. I have thus voted against the budget. Just like Marui in Latif Sain’s Shah Jo Risalo, this Marui too cannot compromise the struggle for her marooara (people.)

As I had predicted, PML-Q has not been able to correct the disastrous course of this government. And they will not be able to do so in the future as well.

Simply because this government has a built-in flaw: its sole objective is to protect its vested interests rather than people’s interests. It is my firm belief that the only thing that would continue in the coming months is crass, corrupt politicking to steal the next election. The real concerns of the people would continue to be neglected.

Therefore, I believe that:

To be associated with a government, which has not followed parliament’s joint resolution mandating action against NATO forces in case of drones, has bartered Pakistan’s sovereignty, has not protected Pakistan’s sensitive locations, has not kept our territory protected from foreign forces, would be a travesty.

To be associated with a government which has allowed human rights of thousands to be grossly violated by not giving them justice, salaries, minimum wages, regularisations, jobs (Haleema, NPIW, Lady Health Workers, APP, NCHD, NEF, Lower Education Staff etc), would be subversive.

To be associated with a government, which has taken away food and shelter from the poor, fuel from the vehicles, electricity and gas from industry and homes, which has forced people to commit suicides due to its corruption, faulty economic policies, which has forgiven the loan defaulters, which has not been austere, which has not taxed the rich appropriately including inequitable taxation for agriculture and industry, would be criminal.

To be associated with a government, which has been completely negligent in its primary responsibilities during natural and national disasters like Attabad lake, the recent floods, the Abottabad crisis, the complete breakdown of law and order in all of Pakistan, would be perfidious.

To be associated with a government, which has abysmally failed to protect its own constitutional office holders, security forces, religious sects, minorities, media and most importantly therefore innocent people from kidna
ppings, targeted killings and terrorist attacks, which is fighting a directionless war and is compromising with criminals, would be atrocity.

To be associated with a government which has allowed Pakistan’s image to be trashed internationally, has practically abandoned the valiant people of occupied Kashmir, has let national sovereignty to be chipped away, has not managed its relations with friendly countries like China at its optimal, has not handled the Indian threat with firmness and dignity, has done nothing to counter growing campaign against Pakistan’s nuclear assets, would be treacherous.

To be associated with a government which has used provincialism as a political tool, which has not resolved border commission dispute on Diamir dam, has not fulfilled its promises in Aghaze Huqooqe Balochistan or KPK financial revival package or FATA Reforms, has not fulfilled its rehabilitation commitments for earthquake 2005 victims, has not fulfilled provincial quota obligations, has discriminated between rural-urban and head-tail for water, has not held anyone accountable in mishaps like the Air Blue crash, has not resolved inter-provincial water disputes in line with 1991 Water Accord, has not passed the National Language Bill accepting the rights of provinces, would be disloyal.

To be associated with a government whose corruption, lack of meritocracy, incompetence has brought national economy down on its knees, which has mortgaged the coming generations’ future by mindless borrowing, shattered public sector corporations, retarded industrial production, hammered the small farmer and has pushed half the population in the depths of wretched poverty, would be a perversion.

To be associated with a government, which has willfully clashed with the judiciary, has dragged its feet on the Accountability Bill and the bill to prosecute terrorists, and has rendered parliament irrelevant, forcing thousands like myself to get justice from judiciary versus parliament would be treasonous.

To be associated with a government that is run by thugs and commission-mafia, who have lined up their pockets with development funds, deprived people of
their fundamental rights such as clean water, schools, health centers, roads, electricity, gas, would be shameful.

It is time that the people of Pakistan are freed from this government. It is time that sincere, tax-paying Pakistanis unite for Pakistan’s sake. It is time they reject old politics and espouse new politics, where the definition of politics is serving ones people rather than ruling over them. For the above reasons, I hereby tender my resignation for the sake of the people of AJK, Balochistan, GB, KPK, Punjab, Sindh – my Pakistan.

I intend to honour my oath by educating my people on the dangers of supporting a corrupt, inefficient and self-serving government that is happily allowing our homeland to descend into chaos. I want to impress upon my people through my Karavan-e-Haq, that they don’t have to accept a government that robs them daily. That they have a right to clean governance, and that their destiny is in their own hands.

I intend at all times to honour my flag, continuing my humble struggle for Haq and providing Pakistan with the leadership that can make it a just, moderate, and developed country.

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