Monday, February 7, 2011


February 6th, 2011
Shazia Nawaz interviews Tanveer Zamani to find the truth about her marriage to President of Pakistan- that has become talk of the town in Pakistan & abraod!

I have to be crazy to be up at 1 am and writing all this when I have to be at work early in the morning. And let’s face it, patients like to see their doctors fresh and rested, so I should finish this quickly. It’s too late and I’m too tired, so my advance apologies for all the typing and grammar errors I am going to make here.

The topic is too interesting and excitement is too much. I can not sleep on it. Guess who I spoke with? Yes, Dr. Tanveer Zamani. Or should I call her Dr. Tanveer Zamani Zardari?

When I read Farah Naz Isphahani’s statement denying Zamani’s marriage to Zardari, I was shocked. No, not because she denied it, but because of the way she denied it. Isphahani was angered by this marriage. She called Zardari a widower and sort of expressed that she likes that status of his. Mr. Husain Haqqani, one of my favorite intellectuals of the country, too was angered by the marriage.

It is political jealousy. Couple holds political jealousy towards Zamani. How would I know? I just spoke with the lady and she thinks so.

Zamani picks up the phone if you call her toll free number given on her Facebook page. I introduced myself and to my surprise, she knew me well. She has been watching my YouTube show and has been reading me on all the APPNA lists and blogs for a while now. I have to admit, I was flattered.

Would not you be?
I found her beautiful and graceful in all her videos on YouTube. She has studied too much but yet has been able to maintain her beauty. Spotless skin and slim figure. Stress did no harm.

Zamani agreed to interview for my blog. She trusted me since we have a lot in common and we had chemistry. We have same profession, good looks, and we both seek publicity.

Not a cheap one though she said. And I agreed. Neither of us would do it. I, and she said that she, would not make up a rumor like this just to promote herself.

She did not make a rumor. She indeed is married to our president.
No, she did not say it like that. But she said it in so many words.
ME: So, are you married to Zardari?
Her: I would not comment on that.
That was not an acceptable answer. Cutting it short for you readers, she does not deny it but actually accepts it in so many words.

It was 13th of january when Zardari landed at JFK and only Haqqani was there this time to receive him, along with three bodyguards. Although Haqqani flew with Zardari alone from JFK to Washington, DC, but Zardari was not willing to share the matters of heart with Haqqani. No good man would share matters of his heart with any other man.

They met Obama the next day. And guess what Zardari asked for? Security for Tanveer Zamani.
That information almost gave me tears in my eyes. The man cares about her. Guess who was there listening to this request?

Our very smart ambassador who they say later leaked the info out.
“ It has to be him. since he was the only third person there,” Zamani says.
Haqqani dropped Zardari off at JFK to go back to Pakistan. He does not know where Zardari went.

He went to Dubai to marry Zamani. “There were more animals in the wedding than humans,” Zamani joked. But she made that joke based on the article on the net that mentions number of animals sacrificed that day. If I was upset at Farah Naz Isphahani’s anger at this marriage, Zamani has to be too.

Why in the world party insists on keeping the man single?
Why has he been told to deny the rumor? Why are they pressurizing him so much? Why is Haqqani constantly calling Zamani on the phone and telling her not to talk to people and deny the rumor?
Neither myself nor Zamani liked it. Does Haqqani himself not enjoy the marital bliss with a wonderful and cute woman? Would it be better for Zardari to stray instead of marrying one woman to fulfill his needs?

A blogger has been writing for months about their affair, Zamani said. Blogger has written it all. How they met and how it all started. How he was a playboy and changed and how he started smiling instead of laughing aloud. Then why does Haqqani have to come out and say that Zardari has never even met Zamani?

It would break my heart to think that Haqqani lied. I truly like him. I liked/like Salman Taseer a lot more. But then Haqqani is all we have left now when it comes to intellectuals. He is no match for Salman Taseer though, God bless ST’s soul.

So, does Haqqani know that Zamani and Zardari have met? A brilliant mind as he is, he has to know after watching Zardari asking for extra security for Zamani.
Zamani said that she would not confirm the news. Plan was to keep it a secret for 2 years. Why so?

ME: I do not understand how in the world bright and mature children of a widower would be upset if their father re-married

HER: He is hiding it because he gets votes as BB’s widower.
But then she said that she is not saying that ‘he’s hiding it’. But if he was hiding it, this is why he would be.

When did it become a crime to remarry for a widower?
Why would we not vote for him if he went ahead and did it the Islamic way instead of doing ‘it’ randomly?

HER: Would you not like a woman like me in A- WANE- SADAR?
Regardless of the news being true or not.
ME: I most certainly would.
Me: So, you are married then and this is why you are not denying it?
I became direct again.

She said again, “I am not going to be Bill Clinton. So, I am going to stay quiet instead of denying it first and then accepting it later.”

I tried to be tricky and clever, “ So, who leaked the wedding news?”
She said, “The designer. We go to other countries and go around like no one knows us.”

Was I too clever or did she tell me that on purpose?
Then she added, “I am too busy at work, since I was away for so many days and my work piled up.”
Me: So, do you love him, or are you just marrying him for money?

Her: Shazia, you and me, we are both doctors in USA. We earn in dollars and we pay taxes in dollars. His pay is less than my pay.

Me: But he has billions.

Her: Everyone knows my loyalty to him. My father yelled and yelled. My mom said that he is a bad person and he is very ameer (rich).

And I said, “if he is Ameer, I would make him Ameer-ul-Momeeneen.”
I would take a bullet for him. People say that if he was good enough for BB and if he is good enough for me, he must be a good person. After all, we see something in him.
ME: So, you married him then?

HER: I said no comments.
In the end, we had heart to heart conversation. I told her that how if a guy does not stand by you after marrying you and denies it, he is not worthy of you. I shared the story of that Indian politician with her, who became a Muslim to marry his mistress and later divorced her under pressure.
Zamani sounded worried.

She thinks that it is rivalry that is making the ambassador and his Mrs. deny this marriage. Of course, regardless of the fact if she is married or not.

Her: I mean, it broke my heart. There is no woman in A-WANE-SADER. Do they not want any woman there? would it not be good for our people if a woman like me is there? Everyone knows my dedication to him and to the party.

Well, at 2 AM in the morning, when I finish writing this, I ask Mr. President to be a man and accept his wife. It would not take your votes away, if corruption did not. Corruption should have though.
No wise children would expect their father to be single for life. That is plain cruel.
In the end I asked, “So, is he a good kisser?” Now I was going all American on her. She laughed at this question.

Zamani did not understand the statement that FN Isphahani made to her husband, “ Zamani is a dignified woman. She would not do it”.
I simply do not like that statement. Dignified women do not fall in love and do not marry?

In the end, it was difficult to tell if I was too clever to get all the info from her or she did that on purpose. Either way, world should know her thoughts, and Zardari, if really has married her, should come out and accept it.
Payar kia hay chori nahi kee

Disclaimer: PPP denies this marriage in the strongest possible terms. They are outraged by this rumor and call it a publicity stunt by Dr. Zamani. Only God (and Zamani and Zardari) knows the truth. My apologies to everyone whose feelings are hurt by this interview. My intentions were good.

Addendum: And now I hear that she already has a husband and is married. She said a lot of things during her interview as I mentioned above but word “husband” was not said by her even once. Oh well!

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