Tuesday, April 20, 2010

GOODBYE KHALA SAFIA: ....... & it seems to me you lived your life like a candle in the wind



She lived her life in a shell with the members including her all three daughters, a destitute husband, and a one-room house. While living her life as an insolvent lady- to whom nature never smiled upon quite often, as her husband was taken away couple of years ago, followed by her eldest daughter suffering with a deadly disease of cancer, she remained cool, calm and collected, perhaps that’s the only thinnest option she had. Being underprivileged, never swelled to her mind, as she was the darling of the massive family who could be found anywhere and everywhere- and executed all the customs and rituals our society created for us to do. Throughout her life, she suffered but survived and survived with dignity until she disappeared forever, to meet her creator today (April 20, 2010). She is my lovely Aunt- Khala Safia, the youngest of three sisters.

Living in Samanabad, Lahore, Khala Safia suffered severe cardiac arrest couple of days back and as the news traveled the distance from Lahore to Islamabad, Ammi got ready packing straightaway for Lahore, while other family members remained busy in life’s work. Khala however, recovered as we made her call the other day. I went to upstairs to get my office documents leaving for office and found Bushra (my sister) talking on phone to Khala. As soon as she saw me, she said, “Lo Mahtab a gia jay, Aiday naal gal karo,”… I was in hurry and told my sister in gestures to tell Khala he is disappeared and said he would talk to you in detail from his office. These two days went by rapidly and I forgot to make a few second call to Khala to enquire her health- & today when I heard this devastated news of her sad demise I have been refreshing my mind to find when I interacted Khala last time. Had I call her, I would have been a satisfied soul at least remembering her last voice but I was not honoured to listen her swansong even!!!

Now on while the tears are rolling down my cheeks and I am trying to hide from my office mates sitting beside me, I pray to Almighty, “May Khala’s beautiful soul rest in peace and glory and give fortification to her 3 daughters, and number of her dear ones.”

I would also like to dedicate few of special lines from Sir Elton John as Khala deserves these lines more than Marilyn Monroe or Princess Di.

Goodbye Khala Safia
May you ever grow in our hearts
You were the grace that placed itself
Where lives were torn apart
You called out to our ‘family’
And you whispered to those in pain

Now you belong to heaven
And the stars spell out your name

And it seems to me you lived your life
Like a candle in the wind
Never fading with the sunset
When the rain set in
And your footsteps will always fall here
Along England's greenest hills
Your candle's burned out long before
Your legend ever will

Loveliness we've lost
These empty days without your smile
This torch we'll always carry
For our family's golden child
And even though we try
The truth brings us to tears
All our words cannot express
The joy you brought us through the years

Goodbye Khala Safia
May you ever grow in our hearts
You were the grace that placed itself
Where lives were torn apart

Who'll miss the wings of your compassion
More than you'll ever know.
....... CONTINUED .......



INNA LILAHI WAINNA ALIHI RAJION..... Allaah mian unne jawar-e- rehmat main jaga ata frmain or apko husla or himat ata framaen AMEEN.....

Rizwan Anjum said...

May her soul rest in peace. May Allah give Sabar to all family.


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