Thursday, November 26, 2009


While reading a book named “Tough Times Never Last but Tough People Do”, by Robert H. Schuller, I found something interesting about the people who are afraid of failure. I would love to share this to my dear worthy readers.
Hein Talkhiay safar say bohat tang par Munir/ Ghar ko palat hi jain gay, aisay bhi hum nahi

Mahtab Bashir


* Failure doesn't mean you are a failure . . . it does mean you haven't succeeded yet.

* Failure doesn't mean you have accomplished nothing . . . it does mean you have learned something.

* Failure doesn't mean you have been a fool . . .
it does mean you had a lot of faith.

* Failure doesn't mean you have been disgraced . . . it does mean you were willing to try.

* Failure doesn't mean you don't have it . . . it does mean you have to do something in a different way.

* Failure doesn't mean you are inferior . . . it does mean you are not perfect.

* Failure doesn't mean you've wasted your life . . .
it does mean you have a reason to start afresh.

* Failure doesn't mean you'll never make it . . . it does mean it will take a little longer.

* Failure doesn't mean God has abandoned you . . .
it does mean God has a better idea?

Tough Times Never Last, But Tough People Do -- Robert Schuller


Looking like a fresh-faced twenty-something is, apparently, not all it’s cracked up to be.

Research reveals four out of ten women feel at their most beautiful at the age of 32.

The survey of British women aged between 40 and 60 found a fifth picked 40 as the age they felt happiest with their looks.

The 38 per cent who said they felt most attractive in their early thirties attributed it to the confidence gained from experience, an active love life and eating and drinking sensibly.

Celebrities who will be blowing out 32 candles this year – and no doubt feeling quite relaxed about their appearance – include model Sophie Dahl and actresses Liv Tyler and Sarah Michelle Gellar.

Psychologist Dr Sandra Wheatley said the findings were a ‘very encouraging’ sign women valued their achievements as well as their looks.

She added: ‘It sounds to me like women are becoming much more swayed by personality.
‘It’s a sign that we are valued for who we are and what we are capable of, not just what is on the surface.

‘Feeling beautiful is tied in with confidence and life experience.

‘At 32, a woman has been through and survived more experiences and achieved more than at 22.

‘Women can be their own worst enemy, scrutinising each other’s weight and wrinkles.
‘But this is a really encouraging study that beauty is more than skin deep.’
The online survey of 1,500 women was carried out by Willow Water, the bottled water brand which claims to improve the skin’s appearance.

Courtesy Mail

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Dream psychology
By Sigmund Freud

In what we may term “pre-scientific days” people were in no uncertainty about the interpretation of dreams. When they were recalled after awakening they were regarded as either the friendly or hostile manifestation of some higher powers, demoniacal and Divine. With the rise of scientific thought the whole of this expressive mythology was transferred to psychology; to-day there is but a small minority among educated persons who doubt that the dream is the dreamer’s own psychical act.

But since the downfall of the mythological hypothesis an interpretation of the dream has been wanting. The conditions of its origin; its relationship to our psychical life when we are awake; its independence of disturbances which, during the state of sleep, seem to compel notice; its many peculiarities repugnant to our waking thought; the incongruence between its images and the feelings they engender; then the dream’s evanescence, the way in which, on awakening, our thoughts thrust it aside as something bizarre, and our reminiscences mutilating or rejecting it — all these and many other problems have for many hundred years demanded answers which up till now could never have been satisfactory. Before all there is the question as to the meaning of the dream, a question which is in itself double-sided. There is, firstly, the psychical significance of the dream, its position with regard to the psychical processes, as to a possible biological function; secondly, has the dream a meaning — can sense be made of each single dream as of other mental syntheses?

Three tendencies can be observed in the estimation of dreams. Many philosophers have given currency to one of these tendencies, one which at the same time preserves something of the dream’s former over-valuation. The foundation of dream life is for them a peculiar state of psychical activity, which they even celebrate as elevation to some higher state. Schubert, for instance, claims: “The dream is the liberation of the spirit from the pressure of external nature, a detachment of the soul from the fetters of matter.” Not all go so far as this, but many maintain that dreams have their origin in real spiritual excitations, and are the outward manifestations of spiritual powers whose free movements have been hampered during the day (“Dream Phantasies”, Scherner, Volkelt). A large number of observers acknowledge that dream life is capable of extraordinary achievements—at any rate, in certain fields (“Memory”).

In striking contradiction with this the majority of medical writers hardly admit that the dream is a psychical phenomenon at all. According to them dreams are provoked and initiated exclusively by stimuli proceeding from the senses or the body, which either reach the sleeper from without or are accidental disturbances of his internal organs. The dream has no greater claim to meaning and importance than the sound called forth by the ten fingers of a person quite unacquainted with music running his fingers over the keys of an instrument. The dream is to be regarded, says Binz, “as a physical process always useless, frequently morbid.” All the peculiarities of dream life are explicable as the incoherent effort, due to some physiological stimulus, of certain organs, or of the cortical elements of a brain otherwise asleep.

But slightly affected by scientific opinion and untroubled as to the origin of dreams, the popular view holds firmly to the belief that dreams really have got a meaning, in some way they do foretell the future, whilst the meaning can be unravelled in some way or other from its oft bizarre and enigmatical content. The reading of dreams consists in replacing the events of the dream, so far as remembered, by other events. This is done either scene by scene, according to some rigid key, or the dream as a whole is replaced by something else of which it was a symbol. Serious-minded persons laugh at these efforts — “Dreams are but sea-foam!”

One day I discovered to my amazement that the popular view grounded in superstition, and not the medical one, comes nearer to the truth about dreams. I arrived at new conclusions about dreams by the use of a new method of psychological investigation, one which had rendered me good service in the investigation of phobias, obsessions, illusions, and the like, and which, under the name “psycho-analysis,” had found acceptance by a whole school of investigators. The manifold analogies of dream life with the most diverse conditions of psychical disease in the waking state have been rightly insisted upon by a number of medical observers. It seemed, therefore, a priori, hopeful to apply to the interpretation of dreams methods of investigation which had been tested in psychopathological processes. Obsessions and those peculiar sensations of haunting dread remain as strange to normal consciousness as do dreams to our waking consciousness; their origin is as unknown to consciousness as is that of dreams. It was practical ends that impelled us, in these diseases, to fathom their origin and formation. Experience had shown us that a cure and a consequent mastery of the obsessing ideas did result when once those thoughts, the connecting links between the morbid ideas and the rest of the psychical content, were revealed which were heretofore veiled from consciousness. The procedure I employed for the interpretation of dreams thus arose from psychotherapy.

This procedure is readily described, although its practice demands instruction and experience. Suppose the patient is suffering from intense morbid dread. He is requested to direct his attention to the idea in question, without, however, as he has so frequently done, meditating upon it. Every impression about it, without any exception, which occurs to him should be imparted to the doctor.

Sigmund Freud was an Austrian neurologist who founded the psychoanalytic school of psychology. He is best known for his theories of the unconscious mind and the defence mechanism of repression and for creating the clinical practice of psychoanalysis for treating psychopathology through dialogue between a patient and a psychoanalyst

Sunday, November 15, 2009


By Mahtab Bashir

Hay tukray tukray dil ki tarah, dastaan-e-dil
Kuch lab pay, kuch zubaan pay, kuch chashm-e-tar may hay

So Much Anguish- how could someone cause me so much twinge, she made me virtually insane. I am only me when I was with her and now … it's hard to be myself...I just tried to want her to see the good in me, but I failed on every moment.

I was born the day I met you,
Lived a while when you loved me,
And died a bit when we broke apart.

I still remember, the first time we met... And when she sang to me I swear I could fly...I was the true admirer of her voice, I distinctly remember, at our early days and thereafter, she used to hum one of my all time favourite lines of a song and later I invited her time and again to please, sing few lines of it… “Kaisay… Bhooloon gi …Tu Yaad Hamesha Aay Ga- Teray … Janay Say…, Jeena Mushkil Ho Jaay Ga …….” Aor may itna pagal - kay in 2 lines may chupay itnay baray ishary ko kabhi samjh hi na paya… balkay hamesha jab hum kabhi achay mood may hotay to may isi song ki request karta, and she never skipped my request, never did she decline any of others. I miss her, like hell- that’s it.

Main Hosh Mein Tha To Phir Uss Pe Mar Gaya Kaise
Ye Zehar Maire Lahoo Mein Uter Gaya Kaisay
Kuch UsKe Dil Mein Lagaawat Zaroor Thi Warna
Woh Maira Haath Daba Ker Guzar Gaya Kaisay

Now, memories are biting me- I’m devastated as my heart still is sinking. She made me realize it could be life, and its all about pain.


I know its not your fault. May teri majboorion ko samjhta hun dear. May shyaed tujhay samjh hi nahi paya- may fail ho gia hun, or wo bhi zindagi ki early stages par. Please forgive me for everything I did wrong, for every word that hurt you. I found you more sensible, mature and ‘practical’ on every phase of life and as a human being, you are unparallel. I feel mortified- may teray kisi kam nahi a saka, kisi bhi aik kam- I’m so sorry dear. This is life, and this is how life plays its part. And this is what you keep on inserting into my mind.
I have just a qualm saying that how a sensible person who knows everything under the sun, fall prey to a paranormal feelings, knowing well this is not a realistic approach. I remember, when I was told repeatedly to come out of this non-practical move and take life seriously as it should be. And to add insult to my injuries, the person herself fall victim of it- ignoring the future prospect. I know, you took a long to made your verdict, but being a female and head of family, i doubt it was a wise decision taken in broader spectrum. Anyways…. I am not at all pleading to get someone back!!!
I believe, If you break up with someone, it is only because there is someone else waiting for you, and that’s what you told me, on a midnight of Tuesday, November 10. Now from hereon I just want to conclude with tears in my eyes that …….. I never felt true love until I was with you, and I never felt true sadness until you left me. Now it's hard to start all over again and find a new love and a friend like you… You are unforgettable! May Allah Almighty diminish your desolations of today and forever.

All the very best, I bear no retribution whatsoever. You have your right to pick, choose or ignore, and now you have made your decisions- and rightly so because its your life. Enjoy it …

God bless you dear!

Kuch may hi jaanta hoon, jo mujh par guzar gai
Dunia to lutf lay gi meray wakiyaat say.


Barish thi, hum thay, or ghani ho rahi thi shaam
Tumnay lia tha kanptaay honto say mera naam
Mainay kaha tha, Ao yunhi bheegtay chalain
In rasto may dair talak ghoomtay rahein
Meri kamar may haath ye phoolon sa daal kar
Kaandhay pay meray, rakhay raho yunhi apna sir
Haatho ko may kabhi, kabhi baloo ko choom loon
Dekho meri taraf to may ankhoo ko choom loon
Pani kay ye jo phool hein, rukh par khilay huay
In mein dhanak ky rang hain saaray ghulay huay
Honto sy inko chuntay rahein, khushdili kay saath
Taaray hamain talaash karain, chaandni kay saath
Yunhi kisi darkht ky neechay kharay rahein
Barish kay deir baad bhi, liptay kharay rahein

Tum nay kaha tha, Ao chalein- raat aa gai
Dil jis say dar raha hay, wohi baat aa gai
Beetay samay ki yaad hi, rasto may reh na jay
Ye dil kahein wisaal ki barish may beh na jay

Kuch deir, aik chup si rahi darmiyaan may
Girhein si jaisay, parnay lagi hon zubaan may
Tum pechay hatnay wali thi, jaany ky wastay
Ankhein jhuka rahi thi, churaany ky wastay
Yakdam gira tha phool, koi shaakhsaar say
Dekha tha tum nay meri taraf, iztaraar say
Baarish may bheegtay huay, jhonkay hawa ky thay
Wo chand begumaan sy lamhay, balaa ky thay
Nashaa sa aik chaaron taraf phailta gia
Phir uskay baad mainay, tumhay kuch nahi kaha.

Dard Mein Bhi Yeh Lab Muskuraa Jaaty Hain
Beetay Lamhay Hamein Jab Bhi Yaad Aaty Hain …
Beetay Lamhay …….
Chandd Lamhaaat Ke Waastay Hi Sahi
Muskuraa kar Mili Thi Mujhay zindagi
Teri Aaghosh Mein Din Thay Mery Katay
Teri Baahon Mein Thi Meri Raat Kati

Aaj Bhi Jab Woh Pal Mujhko Yaad Aaty Hain
Dil Se Saaray Ghamon Ko Bhula Jaatay Hain

Dard Mein Bhi Yeh Lab Muskura Jaaty Hain
Beete Lamhein Hamein Jab Bhi Yaad Aaty Hain …
Beetay Lamhay …

Mery Kaandhy Pe Sir Ko Jhukaana Tera
Mere Sinay Mein Khud Ko Chhupaana Tera …
Aakay Meri Panaahon Mein Shaam-o-Sehar
Kaanch Ki Tarah Woh Toot Jaana Tera

Aaj Bhi Jab Woh Manzar Nazar Aaty Hain
Dil Ki Viraaniyon Ko Mita Jaaty Hain
Dard Mein Bhi Yeh Lab Muskura Jaatay Hain
Beete Lamhay Hamein Jab Bhi Yaad Aaty Hain …

Dard Mein….
Beetay Lamhay …….

Dost kiya khoob wafaaon ka sila detay hein
Har naay mor pay ik zakhm naya detay hein

Tumsay to kheir ghari bhar ki mulakaat rahi
Log sadiyon ki rafaqat ko bhula detay hein

Jinpay hota hay bohat dil ko bharosa Tablish
Waqt parnay pay wohi log dagha detay hien.

Kis da dosh si, kis da nahi si
Ay gallan hun karan diyan nahi
Weilay lag gay taoba walay
Rataan hokay bharan diyan nahi

Jo hoya, aay hona e si,
Tay honi rokiyaan rukdi nahi
Ik wari jadon shuru ho jaway
Gall feir awein mukdi nahi

Kujh unjwi rahwaan okhiyaan san
Kujh gall wich gham da taoq wi si
Kujh shehar day lok wi zalim san
Kujh sanu maran da shaoq wi si

Guzashta chahtoon ka dukh hawa mein sar-sraeay to
Koi bhoola hua lamha achanak yaad aye to
Tum apnay dil ka veraana bohat abaad kar lena
Mujhay tum yaad kr lena, mujhay tum yaad kr lena
Khealon kay mundairoon par koi mash'al jalaay to
Baharon ka koi mausam tumhaein wapis bulaay to
Mery yaadon ki khushboo say wafa ko shaad kr lena
Mujhay tum yaad kr lena, mujhay tum yaad kr lena!

Muhammad Mahtab Bashir

Friday, November 13, 2009


By Mahtab Bashir

After hitting the domestic users hard, the sugar crisis has now hit the non-confectionery corporate sectors of Islamabad as well.

Many offices have started serving sugar-less tea including Daily Times Islamabad office to their employees. The effected beings are in severe pain as their taste buds are howling and bawling for sweetness. It is only a matter of time till the effected, sugar-deprived tongues will remain silent over this issue. However, Mahtab doesn’t need spoonful of sugar because of the naked truth, - ‘He is too sweet to have it’.

Islamabad—The scarcity of sugar in twin cities has increased the miseries of people and forced them to import sugar from other cities, people said.

People complained that no sugar available in the markets of Shakrial, Bahara Kahu, Chak Shezad, Rawal Town, Chatha Bakhtawar, Aabpara and in Super Market.

People said regarding the sugar crises that people of twin cities are facing problem from last many days. The merchants of different areas said that the system of supply and demand is deranged in twin cities.

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Remembering Jon Elia-
A Perfect Stranger & a giant amongst his contemporaries
on his 7th death Anniversary- November 2009

Mahtab Bashir

Tum jab ao gi to khoya hua pao gi mujhay
Meri tanhai mein khwaboon kay siwa kuch bhi nahi
Meray kamray ko sajaanay ki tamanna hay tumhay
Meray kamray may kitabo kay siwa kuch bhi nahi.

In kitabo nay bara zulm kia hay mujh par
In may ik ramz hay, jis ramz ka maara hua zehn

Mushda-e-ishrat-e-anjaam nahi paa sakta
Zindagi may kabhi araam nahi paa sakta.

Kis ko fursat, kay mujhsay behas karay
Aor sabit karay kay mera wujood
Zindagi kayliye zaroori hay.

Saari dunia kay gham hamaaray hein
Aor sitam ye ky hum tumhaaray hein

Dil-e-barbaad ye kheyaal rahay
Uss nay gesoo nahi sanwarein hein

Un rafeeqon sy sharam ati hay
Jo mera saath dey kay haaray hein

Aor to humnay kia kiya abtak
Ye kiya hay kay din guzarein hein

Uss gali sy jo ho kay aay ho
Ab to wo rahrao bhi piyaary hein

Jon jum zindagi ki rahon mein
Aapni tanha rawi ky maaray hein.

Kaon sood-o-ziyaan ki dunia mein
Dard-e-ghurbat ka saath deta hay
Jab mukabil hon ishq aor daolat
Husn daolat ka saath deta hay.

Umr guzray gi imtihaan mein kia
Daagh hi dein gi mujhko daan mein kia

Meri har baat be-asar hi rahi
Nuqs hay kuch meray bayaan mein kia

Mujhko to koi tokta bhi nahi
Yahi hota hay khandaan mein kia

Apni mehroomiyan choopatay hein
Hum ghareebon ki aanbaan mein kia

Khud ko jana juda zamaanay say
Aa gia tha meray gumaan mein kia

Shaam hi sy dukaan-e-deed hy bandd
Nahein nuqsaan tak dukaan mein kia

Aye meray subh-o-shaam-e-dil ki shafaq
Tu nahaati hay abb bhi baan mein kia

Boltay kion nahi meray haq mein
Aablay par gay zubaan mein kia.

Khamoshi keh rahi hay kaan mein kia
Aa raha hay meray gumaan mein kia

Dil kay aatay hein jisko dhiyaan bohat
Khud bhi aata hay apnay dhiyaan mein kia

Wo milay to ye poochna hay mujhay
Aab bhi hoon mAin teri amaan mein kia

Yoon jo takta hay aasmaan ko tu
Koi rehta hay aasmaan mein kia

Hay naseem-e-bahaar gard alood
Khaaq urti hay uss maqaan mein kia

Ye mujhay chaein kion nahi parta
Aik hi shaks tha jahaan mein kia.


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