Saturday, April 2, 2022

UNOPS and KOICA to enhance Government’s Water Testing Capacity

Under this project, Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) and United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) will help the Government of Pakistan make progress on the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG’s) 6: “clean water and sanitation for all”, providing people with safe drinking water and improving overall public health.


In partnership with KOICA, UNOPS Pakistan will also help the Ministry of Climate Change to strengthen the technical and coordination capacity of its WASH Cell to monitor drinking water quality in close collaboration with provincial governments.

Funded by Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), UNOPS is working with the Ministry of Climate Change, PCRWR and Public Health Engineering Departments (PHEDs) to help enhance the technical capacities of the Government of Pakistan to provide men, women, boys and girls with access to safe drinking water. 

In partnership with KOICA, UNOPS will utilize $4.4 million funding to address the lack of clean water by procuring essential water-quality testing equipment and upgrading the water-quality testing laboratories in Islamabad, Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa provinces. The rollout of a Management Information Software will strengthen the water-quality data management at provincial level and enable the Ministry of Climate Change to coordinate and monitor the drinking water quality in close collaboration with provincial governments in Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.


The project is supporting the Sustainable Development Goals: 3 Good health and wellbeing; and 6: Clean water and sanitation, and it is aligned with the Pakistan Government’s Vision 2025 and the United Nations Sustainable Development Framework for Pakistan 2018-2022 specifically Outcome 3: Health and WASH. 


Mr. Seok Woong Yang, Country Director of KOICA Pakistan said: 

“The Korean Government will continue to support the Government of Pakistan in different sectors, especially in the water sector. I hope that this project will improve people’s quality of life by enhancing water quality and will help in achieving Sustainable Development Goals.”


Miss Marysia Zapasnik, UNOPS Country Manager for Pakistan, said: “Access to adequate and safe drinking water is a human right and monitoring the quality of drinking water is a first step towards its management. In Pakistan, around 22 million people still live without access to clean and safe water.  With generous support from KOICA, we are delighted to support the Government of Pakistan and specifically the Ministry of Climate Change in providing the people of Pakistan with increased access to safe drinking water and improving their quality of life.”


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