Mahtab Bashir
0333-53 63 248
Pity de nation dat is full of beliefs and empty of religion. Pity de nation dat wears a cloth it does not weave, eats a bread it does not harvest, and drinks a wine dat flows not from its own wine-press. Pity de nation whose statesman is a fox, whose philosopher is a juggler, and whose art is the art of patching and mimicking. Pity de nation whose sages r dumb wid years and whose strong men r yet in the cradle. Pity de nation divided into fragments, each fragment deeming itself a nation.-KG
The public at large has found nothing new and changed in ‘Naya Pakistan’ since the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) took over the throne. The PM Imran Khan’s offer of telephonic conversation (on February 1) to general public (regardless who they were) is also an exercise of ‘Purana Pakistan’.
Fast-forwarding, in reply to one caller's query, the PM retorted why should everybody be expecting that his government would set things right within a short time? He didn’t carry a wizard’s wand and people should know that everybody lives happily ever after only in fairy tales.
Question is, who has promised that once the PTI was in power it would end corruption in 90 days and terrorism in 90 days, provision of 10 million jobs and five million homes? How many would have voted for his party if told this BEFORE ELECTIONS (in 2018) that people would have to show patience, and that peace comes to one only in the grave, and nowhere in the world, state has build homes for its citizens?
Now, it seems, PM and his cabinet members would start believing that five years are not enough to deliver and they should have many more years to rule as is the usual practice in many countries to place a set-up of ‘Riyasat-e-Madina, in “New Pakistan”.
On a lighter note, instead of combating the inflation rate (lower the prices of edibles), the PTI top slots are busy in parrot-like rhetoric “NO NRO to opposition”, someone on social media posted “While answering over the grievances of general public via telephone, PM Imran Khan said “Whatever circumstances are, he will not give NRO to anyone.”
Another user comments, “PM talks to general public: Upon conclusion, he immediately rushes to next room, and praises the efforts (of all sitting there for making calls).
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