Sunday, September 15, 2024


Mahtab Bashir

    Many moons ago, as I set out for the office, I spotted my father standing outside home, with each hand cradling a bundle of books. Curious about his destination, I shared that I was headed to F.8 Markaz. He explained that he was waiting for a colleague who had promised to pick him up but was running late, so I offered father to give him a ride. He accepted, settling behind me with the books resting on his thighs.

As we navigated through H-8, I asked him where to next. “Take me to Constitution Avenue,” he replied. Moments later, we found ourselves on that grand road. I inquired again about our destination, and he instructed me to drop him off at the President House. I brought my bike to a halt in front of the main gate, just as two armed personnel approached us briskly. One of them recognized my father and greeted him warmly, “Nazim sb, how are you? We met at Pir Naseer-ud-din Naseer sb’s hujra. Where are you headed?” Father explained that he had been invited to meet the President at 9:30 AM, and it was currently 9:20, the armed man assured him, “I’ll escort you inside.” Turning to me, father instructed me to leave and join office.

    As I pulled back onto the majestic road, the Parliament House to my left, I watched a parade of luxurious vehicles glide by. In that moment, I couldn’t help but reflect on the contrast: countless wealthy individuals travelling in those opulent cars, while the President of Pakistan had chosen to meet my father, Bashir Hussain Nazim, whom I had just dropped off on my CD-70 motorcycle.

    This is how I know my father: a man of deep humility, a gentle spirit who navigated life with an unassuming grace. Though he moved effortlessly within a vast social circle that included politicians, bureaucrats, religious scholars, academics, lawyers, and journalists, my father was never swayed by their status or influence. Instead, he found true admiration in those who possessed the wealth of knowledge, valuing wisdom over titles and connections.

    Bashir Hussain Nazim was a highly esteemed scholar, intellectual, and poet proficient in seven languages. He made significant contributions in the fields of Naat Writing and Naat Khawani, for which he was honored with the Presidential Award for Pride of Performance by the government of Pakistan in 1992. He authored more than 37 books in Urdu, English, Punjabi, Persian, and Arabic languages, covering a wide range of socio-economic, religious, and Iqbaliyat topics.

He was a staunch admirer of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Blessings Upon Him). I recall my childhood vividly, especially the moments when we would hire a cab. As soon as father settled into the back seat, he would turn to the driver and ask, “Is this your own vehicle, or are you renting it?” Many drivers would share their struggles, lamenting the burdens of inflation and the difficulty of making ends meet. After listening intently, my father would pause thoughtfully before offering a glimmer of hope. “I have a solution for all your troubles,” he would say, “one that will invite the Almighty’s assistance and pave the way for your progress.” Eagerly, the drivers would lean in, asking, “What is it?” With a warm smile, he would reply, “Recite Durood-e-Pak (PBUH) as often as you can. You’ll notice a remarkable change in just a few days.”

    For my father, reciting Durood Sharif (PBUH) was as essential as the air he breathed, a spiritual nourishment that filled his days from dawn until dusk. Each night, before he drifted off to sleep, he meticulously recorded his recitations in a diary. One day, curiosity led me to open that diary, where I was astonished to find entries of 40, 000, 50,000, 35,000, and 45,000 next to each date. I found myself bewildered by those numbers, yet a sense of hesitation kept me from seeking clarification. I held my questions close. It wasn’t until after his passing that I learned the truth someone saying, “Bashir Nazim had recited an astounding 60,000,000 times Durood Sharif during his life, and that figure is merely what’s documented- the true count is likely far greater.

Bashir Hussain Nazim’s unwavering commitment to sharing Iqbal's profound discourses did not go unnoticed. In 1998, the Central Majlis-e-Iqbal, Pakistan, honored him with a prestigious Gold Medal, celebrating his remarkable 52 years of contributions to literature, religion, and social welfare. Mr. Nazim's translations of pivotal works on Tasawwuf garnered him widespread acclaim in the mystical realm, while his Persian poetry—most notably the verses etched at the mausoleum of Hazrat Data Ganj Bakhsh (RA) in Lahore—revealed the depth of his extraordinary talent.

    Throughout his illustrious career, Mr. Nazim was a vibrant presence in television and radio programs, a frequent participant in Mushairas, and dedicatedly served as the stage secretary for the annual National Seerat-un-Nabi Conference for many years. His mastery of Urdu, Persian, Punjabi, English, and Arabic was truly impressive, and he left a significant mark on Urdu literature, most notably by transforming 'Diwan-e-Ghalib' into the enchanting 'Naat Genre.'

    During my early career at "Daily Times" (2007 to 2011), my father rarely took the time to read my stories, unless they were critical of his fellow writers who called him and complained about me. I vividly remember a specific evening when I submitted an investigative piece about a prominent official at the Pakistan Academy of Letters (PAL). While we were having dinner that night, my father brought up the story, saying, “One of my colleagues mentioned your article. What’s it about? He suggested it seems like a nephew turning against his uncle.” I quickly fetched the newspaper, summarized the story for him, and handed it over so he could read it himself. After skimming through it, he looked at me and remarked, “You have such a lovely name—why don’t you write your full name, Muhammad Mahtab Bashir, instead of just Mahtab Bashir?” I explained that the layout didn’t provide enough space for my full name. He returned the paper to me, brushed off the content of story and insisted, “You should make sure to use your full name.”

    He has garnered immense acclaim within the realm of mysticism for his translations of remarkable works on Tasawwuf. His contributions include the revered 'Kashf-al-Mahjoob' by Hazrat Data Ali Hajveri (RA), 'Shawahidun Nabuwwat' by Maulana Jami (RA), 'Darul Muarif' by Hazrat Shah Ghulam Ali Dehlvi (RA), 'Zubdatul Muarif' by Hazrat Khawaja Hashim Kashmiri, and 'Fayyuzatul Rabbaniya' by Hazrat Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA), among many others.

    In his capacity as Deputy DG in the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Mr. Nazim took on the esteemed role of speechwriter for the Prime Ministers and Presidents of Pakistan. His keen insights as a literary critic, especially within the Naat Genre, underscored his astute judgement and significant impact in the world of literature.

    My father devoted his entire life to the art of writing and reciting Naat-e-Rasool-e-Maqbool (pbuh). Among his cherished memories is a poignant Punjabi Naat recited by Shaida Chishti- a dear friend of him. This heartfelt rendition beautifully encapsulates the profound love for the Prophet (pbuh), and I feel compelled to share it here.

حمد دے سر تے میم مروڑی تیرا ناں
تیتھوں صدقے میرا پیو تے میری ماں
میں پاپاں دیاں دھپاں ہیٹھاں مر جاندا
جے نہ ہو ندی تیرے رحم کرم دی چھاں
میں حسان، بو صیری، رومی ، جامی نہیں
تیری نعت لکھن دا دعویٰ کنج کراں
فرد عمل دی خالی پلے کجھ وی نہیں
حشر دا لاڑا تو تے تیرے ہتھ نیاں
ناظم مینوں دیتی اے تو فیق خدا
تیریاں نعتاں لکھ کے اپنی شان ودہاں

The writer feels that every achievement and possession he has is a testament to his father's unwavering support.

Sunday, September 8, 2024


Trailblazer in Academia

* Dr. Fouzia Farooq Ahmed Becomes First Pakistani Woman to Receive TORCH Global South Visiting Professorship at Oxford University
* She has also been awarded the Fellowship on “Islam in South Asia” at the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies for the 2025-2026 academic year
* These accomplishments are not solely my own, they symbolize the pride of QAU & my nation: Dr. Fouzia

ISLAMABAD: In a remarkable accomplishment for Pakistan's academic sphere, Dr. Fouzia Farooq Ahmed, an Assistant Professor in the Department of History at Quaid-i-Azam University (QAU), has received two prestigious fellowships from the University of Oxford. These honors not only highlight her individual excellence but also emphasize the exceptional educational standards at QAU, enhancing its reputation on the global academic stage.

    Dr. Fouzia has been honored with the esteemed TORCH Global Visiting Professorship at All Souls College, University of Oxford, for the year 2024. She has, also been selected for the Fellowship on Islam in South Asia at the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies for the 2025-2026 academic year. These significant achievements are a testament to her scholarly contributions and the growing recognition of Pakistani academics in the global arena.

    The TORCH Global South Visiting Professorships Programme, funded by All Souls College, is one of the most sought-after academic honors in the world. The program brings leading scholars from the Global South to Oxford for one term, with only one scholar selected each year. This makes Dr. Fouzia's selection particularly noteworthy, as she is the first female Pakistani scholar from a public sector university to receive this distinction.

    Talking to this scribe, Dr. Fouzia expressed her pride in this achievement, noting how rare it is for a scholar from Pakistan, especially from a public institution, to be selected for such a competitive fellowship. "It is a significant achievement that a Pakistani female scholar from a public sector university has brought this honor to Pakistan for the first time in its history," she said.

She intends to share her experiences and expertise with her colleagues and students at QAU by organising orientation sessions and hybrid seminars during her sojourn at Oxford 

    In addition to the TORCH Professorship, Dr. Fouzia was also awarded the highly competitive two-year Fellowship on Islam in South Asia at the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies. This fellowship is part of the center's flagship Atlas Project, one of the largest and most esteemed initiatives in the study of Islamic history. The rigorous selection process saw applicants from across the globe vying for the fellowship, making Dr. Fouzia’s success all the more impressive.

    Reflecting on her journey, Dr. Fouzia emphasized the role that her education at Quaid-i-Azam University has played in shaping her academic career. She completed her Masters, M. Phil., and PhD from the Department of History at QAU, which she credits for providing a solid foundation in her field. "The fact that a scholar who has completed her Masters, M. Phil., and Ph. D from the Department of History, QAU, has won these fellowships speaks volumes about the standard of education at Quaid-i-Azam University and the potential for achievement among its students," she noted.

    While these fellowships offer personal growth and substantial opportunities for research, Dr. Fouzia is keen to give back to her alma mater. She plans to share her experience and knowledge with her colleagues and students at QAU by organizing orientation sessions and hybrid seminars. These events would enable Pakistani scholars and students to engage with their counterparts at the University of Oxford, fostering collaboration and enhancing academic opportunities.

    "I feel profoundly indebted to my esteemed alma mater and wish to share this opportunity with my department as well as other fellow Quaidians," Dr. Fouzia said. She envisions these initiatives as a way to build connections between the faculty and students of social sciences at QAU and the academic community at Oxford, opening doors to further academic collaboration.

    Dr. Fouzia’s accomplishments serve as a source of pride not only for Quaid-i-Azam University but for Pakistan as a whole. Her success highlights the potential of Pakistani scholars and reinforces the idea that, with determination and hard work, the academic community in Pakistan can achieve international recognition and excellence.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024


Mahtab Bashir
0333 53 63 248

    Each loss casts a shadow over my heart, but when it’s someone I hold dear, it feels as though the very air is stolen from my lungs. Tari's untimely departure is a profound loss, resonating deeply not just with his family but also with the countless friends who each considered him their closest companion. His life's legacy can be encapsulated in a brief verse by Baba-e-Punjabi Dr. Faqir Muhammad Faqir, which states,

رکھیں لوکاں نال فقیرا ایسا بہن کھلون
کول ہوویں تے ہسن سارے نہ ہوویں تے رون

    Tari was a true advocate for humanity. With a strong conviction in the principles of democracy, I first connected with him in 2012 when he shared his email address, Since then, every time I reached out to him, I would greet him by asking, "How are you, Mr. tari4democracy? I heard the Almighty has blessed you with a baby? and there he was again using his right of freedom of expression by saying ........ and ........ and ................!

His signature feature was his infectious smile

   Tariq Hassan (1969-2024), lovingly known as "Tari," passed away at Shaukat Khanum Hospital in Lahore after a brave battle against lung cancer. Despite being diagnosed with stage-four cancer last August, Tariq initially showed signs of recovery, defying the odds. However, his health deteriorated few months ago, ultimately leading to his demise while on life support.

    Sharing fond memories of Tari, Aslam Lurka, a senior journalist and a close friend of Tari, reminisced about their time together at NNI- News Agency in 1998-99. “From the very first day, we met until our final meeting; the moments spent with Tari were truly delightful. Lurka remembered Tari as someone who had a refined sense of style. He exuded a magnetic charm that drew people in. Notably, he never displayed any signs of anger, jealousy, or envy towards others. Tari had a particular fondness for black tea and enjoyed smoking cigarettes. As the conversation shifted to a more somber note, Lurka recounted the time when Tari was diagnosed with Cancer. He vividly remembered inquiring of Tari during a lengthy silence in meetings, asking him jokingly, "Where have you gone to die?" Tari replied lightheartedly, "I am almost there." The news of Tari's illness came as a shock, but when I visited him in the Shifa hospital, Tari was still smiling and laughing.

    As Tari's condition worsened and he was shifted to SK Hospital, I stayed in touch with him over the phone, Lurka continued. A few days before Tari's passing, Safdar Klasra contacted me and informed about Tari's critical condition. Due to some technical issues with Tari's phone, I reached out to Tari's nephew for updates. Our plans to meet in Islamabad and have dinner never materialized, Lukra said. Days later, a text from Azam Khan arrived, announcing Tari's departure at 7:30pm on Thursday, August 15th. With tears in his eyes, Lurka reflected on how he would have never believed that Tari was truly gone if he had not been part of the burial process himself.

    Sajjad Azhar, a fellow journalist, fondly recalls his experiences with Tari, mentioning that their meetings took place in the New and Old Plazas of the Commercial Market in Rawalpindi during 1994 and 1995. These venues were affectionately referred to as “the media hostels” of that era. Tari's older brother, Jedi, also a journalist, when appointed Chief Reporter of ‘The News” brought along a van full of unemployed youth from Shorkot, many of whom would go on to achieve prominence in journalism. Tari made his way to Islamabad during this same time-frame. Azhar describes Tari as a joyful and cheerful presence. A few years back, when Jedi suffered a stroke, it was Tari who provided updates on his brother's condition. “Our last encounter took place about a year ago at the National Press Club. Indeed, everyone must eventually part ways. May Allah elevate your status in Paradise, Mr. Tari,” he prayed.

    Usman Manzoor, another media colleague, reflected on Tari's passing with a heartfelt tribute, sharing that Tari departed from us, leaving a trail of tears behind as he journeyed toward his next destination. Bidding farewell to friends in such a manner is never easy, yet Tari's warmth made it all the more poignant. He radiated happiness, greeted everyone with genuine kindness and respect, and truly found a place within the hearts of all who knew him.

    We often find ourselves pondering what one truly gains by pursuing a career in journalism. Beneath this inquiry lies a harsh reality: approximately 90% of journalists struggle to make ends meet. For those who shine on the illuminated screens of television, it is nearly impossible to survive solely on their income while fulfilling their responsibilities. However, I believe there is a singular and valuable insight to be drawn from this challenging profession. While Tari may or may not have gained material wealth through his journey in journalism, he has undeniably forged deeper and more genuine friendships than many might expect. This sentiment resonates not just with me, but with nearly every journalist, who is enriched by the presence of sincere, selfless, and loving companions in this field.

    When I started my journey as a junior reporter at The News, the name Javed Jedi came up in conversations every day. At that point, Jedi was residing in U.S, yet his friendship was frequently a topic of discussion in Islamabad. Eventually, I had the chance to meet Tari, who turned out to be Jedi's brother. Since that moment, Tari has cultivated a unique place in my heart that is truly one of a kind.

    Manzoor remarked that Jedi and Tari traveled to Islamabad from Shorkot. While they may not have made any financial gains, they certainly gained a wealth of affectionate friendships. The true treasures of both brothers lie in their friendships, as they themselves are incredibly sincere and loving individuals.

    Today, Tari succumbed to his struggle with cancer. His friends are bewildered, grappling with the reality that such a genuine soul has departed far too soon. It’s profoundly challenging to bid farewell to someone who dedicated his life to nurturing friendships. Farewell, Tari! No one can ever take your place. Your spirit will forever linger in our hearts. May the Almighty Allah grant you a place of honor in Paradise.

Tari alongside his media colleagues on the day of NPC polls

    Imran Naeem, a media specialist and a close friend of Tari, remarked that Tari's captivating smile had the power to light up any space he entered. He effortlessly built friendships wherever he traveled. A genuine companion, he was always present whenever you needed him. "Your words, your voice, and your fervor will resonate in our hearts for eternity. You will be profoundly missed and will remain forever in our memories, Tari," he said.

    Tariq's illustrious journey in journalism commenced at The Pakistan Times, where his keen insights and steadfast commitment quickly garnered him respect within the field. He then advanced to The News as a sub-editor, where he continued to make a noteworthy impact. After his time in journalism, Tariq shifted gears into the development sector, taking on the role of Senior Media Officer for both the Trust for Democratic Education and Accountability (TDEA) and the Free and Fair Election Network (FAFEN). In these capacities, he concentrated on fostering media relations and spearheading initiatives that aimed to enhance democratic accountability in Pakistan. Tariq was well-known for his cheerful demeanor and optimistic perspective on life, traits that endeared him to his colleagues and friends alike. 

    Revered and cherished by anyone fortunate enough to know him, Tari was buried in his hometown Shorkot, leaving behind a remarkable legacy of kindness and love.

Writer is a journalist and a student of M.Phil at Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad.

Friday, August 2, 2024


Mahtab Bashir

    After the heartbreaking loss of his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal (1593-1631) during childbirth, the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan (1592-1666) decided to build the magnificent Taj Mahal as a timeless tribute to their enduring love. This iconic mausoleum is now recognized worldwide as a symbol of devotion and affection between Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal.

    On the other hand, Dashrath Manjhi, known as the "Mountain Man," demonstrated unparalleled loyalty and dedication by tirelessly carving a path through a mountain to improve access to healthcare for his village. His unwavering commitment to the well-being of his community showcases a different yet equally profound form of devotion.
    These two individuals embody different manifestations of loyalty and dedication, with Shah Jahan paying homage to love and Manjhi dedicating himself to the welfare of his village. Despite their differing paths, both Shah Jahan and Manjhi have left lasting legacies that continue to inspire people around the world.

    However, the debate over who was the true lover between Shah Jahan and Manjhi still continues in the sub-continent, even though both men displayed incredible devotion to their wives after their deaths during pregnancy but in different ways.

    Amidst the storm of political unrest, economic downturn, and widening class difference in Pakistan, the proletariat's battle to cover their electricity bills paints a vivid picture of a nation with over 242 million souls in just a whisper - plus ça change

    Pakistan, while addressing major challenges, often becomes preoccupied with internal trivial matters, which is why it receives minimal recognition on the global stage.

    Beside climate change, a significant challenge for Pakistan is its rapidly increasing population growth rate of 2.55 percent, the highest in the region and among the top 30 countries globally. As per a report released by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) in July 2024, Pakistan is expected to see its population double by 2050, reaching around 500 million.

    The recently released annual report on the State of the World Population 2024 by UNFPA, focusing on the theme 'Interwoven Lives, Threads of Hope: Ending inequalities in sexual and reproductive health and rights', reveals concerning findings about Pakistan. Only around one in three women had the autonomy to make decisions regarding their sexual and reproductive health. Women with physical disabilities were found to be up to 10 times more susceptible to gender-based violence, and a woman died due to pregnancy complications every 50 minutes. The report predicts that it will take 93 years to meet family planning needs and achieving zero maternal deaths will remain unattainable for 122 years.

    In regards to the country's expanding population, opinions are divided. Some view it as a reflection of widespread poverty and a burden on the government's ability to deliver public services. Conversely, others see the increasing numbers as a positive sign, labeling it as a demographic dividend that could drive economic growth. This optimism is founded on the fact that a significant proportion of the population, 67%, is under the age of 30, with 80% under 40. Nevertheless, the reality remains that the rising population poses more challenges than benefits. It exerts significant strain on already scarce resources and complicates efforts to combat poverty, hunger, disease, and illiteracy. This is evident in Pakistan's unfavorable ranking on the UNDP's Human Development Index. Furthermore, the country is constantly impacted by severe weather occurrences such as floods and droughts, resulting in displacement and further pressure on resources. Neglecting the necessity for population control is no longer a sustainable option.

    Numerous factors contribute to Pakistan's rapid population growth, including entrenched religious and cultural beliefs, societal stigmas, poverty, inadequate education, and restricted access to contraceptives. Despite these obstacles, several countries have effectively managed their population growth. For example, Bangladesh has notably reduced its fertility rate to less than two births per woman and its growth rate to just above 1%. India's growth rate has also decreased significantly to 0.8%. Similarly, Turkey and Iran have successfully lowered their fertility rates to 2.1% and 2.3%, respectively, in stark contrast to Pakistan's rate of 3.2%.

    The accomplishments of these nations indicate that Pakistan has the potential to control its population growth through the implementation of efficient family planning programs and campaigns, following the successful models established by its counterparts.

The writer is a journalist associated with Dunya Media Group and a student of M.Phil, Area Study Centre (ASC) at Quaid-i-Azam University (QAU), Islamabad. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2024


NAVTTC to organise skill competitions in July, August, 2024 followed by a National Job Fair in October and November

Mahtab Bashir
0333 53 63 248

ISLAMABAD: Chairperson National Vocational and Technical Training Commission (NAVTTC), Gulmina Bilal Ahmed, has emphasized that the development of a skilled workforce in Pakistan is a key vision of the Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif maintaining so far, 27 institutions, including universities, have been identified as illegitimate, with the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) currently conducting investigations against three of them. NAVTTC assumes full accountability in the event that any organization is discovered to be fraudulent in today's circumstances, she said. 

During a press conference commemorating World Youth Skilled Day, Chairperson NAVTCC Gulmina Bilal highlighted the organization's establishment in 2011 as a regulatory authority. Emphasizing the importance of adapting curriculum post 18th Amendment, Bilal mentioned the establishment of Technical Upgradation and Training Authorities (TEVTA) in provinces. However, NAVTCC stands out for its nationwide provision of training courses encompassing traditional, industrial, and modern IT programs. Maintaining a high standard in educational environments, NAVTCC ensures integrity and quality in teaching faculty across affiliated institutions, she added.

Chairperson NAVTTC Presser: Photo Courtesy: Zaigham Naqvi  
The Chairperson said, anyone who is 18 and above are eligible to enroll in our courses. “Stakeholders play a crucial role in our organisation, as we strive to introduce courses that will benefit the younger generation in the long run. We have implemented a more robust system with real-time monitoring in all affiliated institutions. Attendance in classrooms is being actively monitored through CCTV cameras to ensure compliance. Also, third-party assessments are conducted by reputable international quality companies to maintain high standards, she claimed.

The first female head of NAVTTC, Gulmina Bilal, went on to mention that the courses are tailored to meet the current demands of the industry. With job opportunities becoming scarce in the country, NAVTCC has taken the initiative to offer training courses in consultation with industry partners. The upcoming batch will comprise 36 candidates who will receive tailored training to meet industry needs. In the months of July and August, skill competitions will be organised for ten selected trades. Following this, a National Job Fair is scheduled to take place in October and November this year, Chairperson informed.

Chairperson responded to a query by revealing that in the past, there had been complaints and instances of certain universities offering fake courses. NAVTCC identified 27 institutions as fraudulent, and the FIA is currently investigating three institutions. However, as of today, out of the 937 institutions under scrutiny, there are no fake organisations uncovered. The Chairperson mentioned that any instances of fraud discovered in the current situation will result in severe consequences for the Chairperson (myself), Executive Director, and NAVTTC.

Saturday, June 29, 2024


Muhammad Mahtab Bashir 
    In a period marked by economic and political turmoil, Pakistan faces the difficult challenge of rising radicalization amidst the start of ongoing Azm-e-Pakistan operation in the KP province. Despite the presence of numerous state-run institutions, many remain inactive and unresponsive to the growing threat. 

It is crucial to awaken those dormant institutions and empower them with the awareness needed to combat radicalization effectively, before they shirk their responsibilities. Mending a tear in fabric before it becomes a larger problem (a stitch in time, in simple words), however, is never been a popular practice in this part of the world.

    In the backdrop of a young cleric singer named Hafiz Hassan Iqbal Chishti, there has been a surge in the popularity of his videos on YouTube- both the full versions and shortened clips. In these videos, he delivers a concerning message urging men, particularly parents, to refrain from sending their daughters to school. He labels this act as something only equivalent to prostitution and claims that the girls are engaging in inappropriate behaviors like dancing, while their fathers or guardians are committing an act of pimps while sending them to schools. Chishti's latest video, the 36th in the series, was uploaded just ten days ago under the title "Apni dhi schoolon hata le, othe dance kardi pai ay" and has already received over 64,000 views.

    Wearing a white turban, Hafiz Hassan Iqbal Chishti created his YouTube channel on March 2, 2023. As of the writing of this piece, the channel has got 4.5K subscribers and 426,664 views. Chishti has shared a total of 36 videos, where he can be seen passionately singing and discussing various social issues while using offensive language in what he believes is a service to his religion. Interestingly, despite the channel's creation over 16 months ago, neither military nor civilian state-run institutions have taken any action or engaged in any debate regarding Chishti's content.

    His latest video titled “School wich dhi ghalna- kam hunda ay dallian da”, has quickly gained popularity with 61,000 views. However, the message he is conveying is disturbing as he suggests that parents who send their daughters to school are essentially enabling prostitution. Another controversial video of his from ten months ago gained traction with 51,000 views. In this video, he shamefully sings about women who own touch-screen smartphones, insinuating that they are involved in prostitution. His choice of lyrics is offensive and disrespectful towards women.

    It is surprising to note that of the 36 videos produced by Chishti, his primary emphasis was on reciting Naat-e-Rasool (peace be upon him). However, it was observed that when he began singing other kalams containing provocative words like dalla, kanjari, beghairat, gandi ran, soor, lanati, etc, he acquired a significantly higher viewership- one of his preferred objectives he is settled with now?    

    Have a look of this video, uploaded on March 28, 2023, with 342 likes and 12,990 views. In the video, Hafiz Hassan Iqbal Chishti showcases his ‘vocal talent’ by singing, "Dhi di kamai khawan wala dalla ay, jo dallay nu dalla na samjhy o wi dalla ay/ Sharam karo koi haya karo, sharam karo koi haya karo”. (He who eats off a woman's earned money is a pimp. Someone who does not perceive a pimp as a pimp, himself is a pimp. Feel a sense of shame, show a sense of modesty.) It further goes … “Suraan nalo wadda soor o hunda/ jehra chaddan dhi nu daftar de wich challa ay/ jo dallay nu dalla na samjhy o wi dalla ay”. (He, who drops his daughter off to her office, is the biggest pig among others. Someone who does not perceive a pimp as a pimp, himself is a pimp.) Chishti, while swaying as he sings, not only displays his misogyny but also reveals his hatred for men, especially fathers- making him a genuine misandrist.

    On Saturday, July 29, 2024, the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) and National Commission on Status of Women (NCSW) take strong exception to a series of videos being circulated on social media platforms in which right-wing clerics have urged parents to pull their daughters out of school on the grounds that schooling is associated with ‘obscenity’. In another video, certain clerics have denounced women’s use of mobile phones on similar grounds. The language used in these videos is not only derogatory but also abusive and potentially an incitement to violence. HRCP says, such deep-seated misogyny must be curtailed at once. With an estimated 12 million girls out of school, widespread cultural restrictions on women’s mobility and an alarmingly high incidence of violence against women and girls, Pakistan cannot afford to give any space to derogatory and anti-women rhetoric. The state must urgently counter such narratives through strong and consistent public service messages that uphold girls’ right to education—as is their constitutionally protected right under Article 25A—as well as women’s digital rights more generally, a press release stated.

The writer is a journalist, who values ethics and morality for success in this life and hereafter. 

Sunday, June 23, 2024


Mahtab Bashir
0333 53 63 248

From the Parliament House where immorality prevails?

ISLAMABAD: Time and again, we have been told by the parliamentarians about the sanctity and reverence of the lower and upper house of the parliament. During a post-budget session, it was further ‘reiterated’ on Saturday (June 22) when PTI turned SIC member of the house Muhammad Sanaullah Khan Mastikhel (NA-91, Bhakkar-1) pointing to Khawaja Asif of PMLN saying, “… Mr. Khawaja, we come (to parliament) with the public votes, we do not come (here) by lifting the testicles …”.

Deputy Speaker NA, Syed Ghulam Mustafa Shah, who was chairing the session, hurriedly interfering the proceeding saying, “We expunge these remarks. Mr. Mastikhel, you are a veteran parliamentarian”. Later the provocative statement led to an immediate commotion in the House, disrupting proceedings and forcing the Dy. Speaker to adjourn the session for 15 minutes.

Even more astounding was the fact that initially, every “distinguished member” of the house was seen giggling, laughing, and enthusiastically patting Mastikhel on the back with hearty chuckles. A member of the group even gave Mastikhel a round of applause, exclaiming, "You have managed to capture the essence of the river in a mere bowl", a compliment that Mastikhel took to heart with great pride.

Female members of parliament voiced their strong objection to the indecent language being used in the proceedings, citing that it goes against the dignity and respect expected in this legislative body.

Hours later, speaker National Assembly Sardar Ayaz Sadiq suspended the membership of Sanaullah Khan Mastikhel for the current session. The Speaker mentioned that, he himself, despite being a longstanding member of the House since 2002, had never witnessed such inappropriate language being used on the microphone before. He expressed his deep concern and disapproval for the incident, stating that he was at a loss for words to adequately convey his disappointment.
Suspension for a current session  

Speaker Sadiq introduced a motion to suspend Mastikhel, which was unanimously approved by the House. The resolution cited that Mastikhel's comments were highly objectionable and disrespectful, breaching rule 30 of the National Assembly's Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in 2007. As per rule 21 of the same guidelines, Mastikhel was required to leave the Assembly immediately.

The common belief is that the elected officials in parliament, whom the public has entrusted and voted for, should be focused on addressing the issues facing their constituencies. However, their use of vulgar and disrespectful language calls into question their ability to effectively solve these problems. If they are willing to use such inappropriate language within the esteemed halls of parliament, one can only wonder what kind of language they would direct towards their own constituents.

The general public is urging all political parties to prioritize the correction of their members by emphasizing ethics and moral values. It is recommended that crash courses on ethical principles be promptly arranged before the Speaker of the National Assembly invites them to address the house using an open microphone.

Muhammad Sanaullah Khan Mastikhel, 52, is not only a seasoned politician but also an agriculturist. He earned his LLB degree from Punjab University Law College in 1996. As an Independent Candidate, Mastikhel secured a victory in the 2024 election for the NA-91 Bhakkar-I seat, securing a total of 106,003 votes. In a close second was Abdul Majeed Khan from the PMLN party, who received 85,429 votes.


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